Do not pick the master branch, its unstable and broken as its WIP.
Pick a release instead, those are stable!
Most developers struggle with interacting with the WebAPI, this (yet) unfinished library makes everything easier!
Making web requests especially multiple can be frustrating such as code quality. This library makes it easy with providing one liners. Examples below*
composer require justinback/steam-php
- include
- See Usage
- Download from GitHub
- include
- See Usage
$steam = new justinback\steam\SteamManager($sApiKey, $iAppID, $sSteamid);
Get apigen
./path_to_executeable "generate" "--source" "path_to_source" "--destination" "path_to_source/docs" "--title" "SteamPHP" "--charset" "UTF-8" "--exclude" "index.php" "--access-levels" "public" "--access-levels" "protected" "--php" "--tree" "--deprecated" "--todo" "--template-theme bootstrap"
Feel free to make a Pull Request or Open an Issue!