Update: instructions and code are now complete. Program is ready for testing
Step 1: download python and install jupyter lab
a. This is by far the most tedious step and can take hours to troubleshoot when you're just getting started. There is no science to making it work, just persistence and google.
b. This video is a good place to start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZoDIwe1_YM&t=24s .
c. When things don't work, it's usually an issue with the system's environment variables and/or the file path; it can help to try uninstalling/reinstalling either python or jupyter lab and trying a few different approaches.
Step 2: install pandas using 'pip install pandas' in the command prompt.
a. This should be the only other package that might need installing to run the program
Step 3: download the Reducible Space V2 notebook file.
a. Go into the "Reducible Space V2" page, and click on the "Raw" button.
b. Right-click on the page anywhere, then click on "Save as".
c. In the "Save as type" bar, select "All files".
d. Add the file suffix ".ipynb" to the end of the "Reducible Space V2" string, then save it in a folder somewhere.
Step 4: open up the file in jupyter lab.
a. Go into the folder where the file was saved.
b. Open up the command prompt for that folder by typing "cmd" into the address bar (left of the search bar).
c. Type jupyter lab into the command prompt.
d. This should launch the jupyter lab interface, and you should be able to see the Reducible Space V2 notebook in the file directory bar on the left.
Note: the file directory can be hidden or revealed using ctrl + B.
Step 5: prepare the files.
a. Go into the sharepoint folder indicated in the handover document.
b. Download the files to the reducible space folder.
c. Do any data preparation that is necessary to fill out the building_properties, campus_properties, and inclusion_exclusion_register.
Note: there are some guidelines in Cell #2 of the notebook which will be helpful in preparing the data.
Step 6: testing phase.
a. Import the data and run some tests.
b. If there are any errors or other problems, you can raise an issue via the "Issues" button on the github page.
Note: You can look at the "Example" version for some tips on how to show various parts of the code: this is just an uncleaned version which has some of the test code left over from when I was running some checks.