I'm Juuddi. I have a background in aerospace engineering and blockchain. I'm currently working as a Lead Engineer at Arctype Ventures.
I enjoy building full-stack applications, user tooling, writing user-friendly documentation, and building blockchain apps. I've built and worked on a number of projects:
Frontend Interfaces
- quai-no-code-deployer: A friendly user interface to easily deploy and interact with NFTs and Tokens on Quai Network built with NextJs.
- quai-next-dapp: A boilerplate dapp built on top of Quai Network built with NextJs and Chakra-UI.
- Quai Network Ecosystem Page: A central hub for Quai Network ecosystem projects.
- Quai Faucet: Web based interface for the Quai Network testnet faucet.
- quai-docs: Open-source documentation for the Quai Network protocol.
- pelagus-docs: Open-source documentation for the Pelagus Wallet extension.
- quais.js: A comprehensive Typescript library built for interacting with Quai Network.
- hardhat-example: A hardhat project modified to deploy Solidity smart contracts on Quai Network.
- quai-node-cli-tool: A bash based GUI used to easily manage your Quai Network node and stratum-proxy.
I also enjoy shooting film photography :) (My fav camera is the Olympus OM-1)