Customizable 3D, moving gradient package for React. Also available on modern design tools like Figma and Framer.
- π¦ Installation
- π» Usage
- π Examples
- π Contributing
- π Future Plan
- βοΈ License
Framer ESM (Copy this URL and paste it on Framer Canvas)
Install below dependencies on your React app.
# with yarn
yarn add three @types/three @react-three/fiber shadergradient framer-motion
# with npm
$ npm i three @types/three @react-three/fiber shadergradient framer-motion
# with pnpm
$ pnpm add three @types/three @react-three/fiber shadergradient framer-motion
Drop the gradient component on your canvas. Then you can customize it with props.
type MeshT = {
type?: 'plane' | 'sphere' | 'waterPlane'
animate?: 'on' | 'off'
uTime?: number
uSpeed?: number
uStrength?: number
uDensity?: number
uFrequency?: number
uAmplitude?: number
positionX?: number
positionY?: number
positionZ?: number
rotationX?: number
rotationY?: number
rotationZ?: number
color1?: string
color2?: string
color3?: string
reflection?: number
wireframe?: boolean
shader?: string
rotSpringOption?: any
posSpringOption?: any
type GradientT = MeshT & {
control?: 'query' | 'props'
isFigmaPlugin?: boolean
dampingFactor?: number
// View (camera) props
cAzimuthAngle?: number
cPolarAngle?: number
cDistance?: number
cameraZoom?: number
// Effect props
lightType?: '3d' | 'env'
brightness?: number
envPreset?: 'city' | 'dawn' | 'lobby'
grain?: 'on' | 'off'
// Tool props
zoomOut?: boolean
toggleAxis?: boolean
hoverState?: string
enableTransition?: boolean
import React from 'react'
import { ShaderGradientCanvas, ShaderGradient } from 'shadergradient'
import * as reactSpring from '@react-spring/three'
import * as drei from '@react-three/drei'
import * as fiber from '@react-three/fiber'
function App() {
return (
importedFiber={{ ...fiber, ...drei, ...reactSpring }}
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
<ShaderGradient cDistance={32} cPolarAngle={125} />
or just copy and paste URL of the gradients. (Grab the URL from
import React from 'react'
import { ShaderGradientCanvas, ShaderGradient } from 'shadergradient'
import * as reactSpring from '@react-spring/three'
import * as drei from '@react-three/drei'
import * as fiber from '@react-three/fiber'
function App() {
return (
importedFiber={{ ...fiber, ...drei, ...reactSpring }}
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
For general React environments (with separated store code):
'shadergradient' β '/dist/without-store.mjs'
For React (Storized Control UI*):
'shadergradient/with-store' β '/dist/with-store.mjs'
e.g) (Next.js)
For ESM-supported React applications:
For use in the Framer canvas (Storized Control UI*) :
e.g) (Framer Sites)
For use in Figma plugins (mixed with DB code / Use the same store of the StoreGradient):
(All ESM modules are dynamically served based on client ips. We call it as "ESM Editor" and used it for dev purposes.)
* Storized Control UI: with-store.mjs
includes store codes (zustand) that is also used on the control UIs. So can sync states of gradient & controls without adding any codes.
- CRA Starter: CodeSandbox
- Next.js Starter (App Router): CodeSandbox
- Next.js Starter: CodeSandbox
pnpm install
pnpm dev
pnpm changeset
pnpm version-packages
then commit changes (message with like v1.x.x)
pnpm release
- Detatch framer-motion peer depenency (Seperate UI & Store Package)
- Figma GIF Support
- More Shaders
MIT Β© ruucm, stone-skipper