A multi-platform, multi-access database of all your files. This file will be updated in mostly kinda plain English so a normal human with shit to do can read it and get on with their lives. Though I count it as a personal failure if anyone NEEDS to RTFM to use the program.
PURPOSE: This program has the following capabilities as core features:
- INDEXING: The program must be capable of indexing all files in selected branches.
- SORTING: The program must be capable of sorting and displaying all files in the database together in one place.
- DATABASE: The program must use a separate plaintext database for reference.
Secondary features to include: A. COMPATIBILITY: The software should be developed from the start to be capable of indexing data from as many sources as possible. B. INTEROPERABILITY: The software should be capable of accessing and indexing all cloud storage platforms. C. UNIQUE ID'S: The software should be capable of using photos or other user-provided graphics files to represent the drives.
Tertiary goals:[it would be nice if....] a. There could be proportionate graphical representations of files [SEE: WinDirStat; SGI File System Navigator(kinda)] b. coded as low-level as possible; Assembly would be nice, but gimme a break....a CLOUD interface with the Google API would be ridiculous in ASM, to say nothing about iCloud....So I'm thinking C or maybe even Java but NO AutoIT, Lua, Visual BASIC.....you get the Idea.... c. The interface could be customizable a-la Photoshop or IDA, but by default I'd like it to be as simple as possible.