This repository contains a collection of small Java projects designed for learning and practicing various Java concepts. Each project focuses on specific programming techniques, problem-solving skills, and real-world application scenarios.
A simple arithmetic calculator that supports basic operations such as:
-> Addition
-> Subtraction
-> Multiplication
-> Division
Through this project, I have learnt:
- Conditional statements (if, switch)
- User input handling
- Basic OOP (Encapsulation, Class Design)
A program to evaluate student grades based on their marks. Features include:
-> Determining the grade for a given mark
-> Classifying marks into specific ranges (A, B, C, D, E)
Through this project, I have learnt:
- Conditional statements (if, switch)
- User input error handling
A program that performs the following operations on an array of numbers:
-> Find the minimum and maximum values
-> Calculate the average of all elements
-> Sort the array
Through this project, I have learnt:
- Array manipulation
- Looping constructs (for, while)
- Sorting algorithms
A program for basic string manipulations:
-> Reverse a string
-> Check if a string is a palindrome
-> Identify vowels and consonants in a string
-> Convert a string to uppercase
Through this project, I have learnt:
- String handling (charAt, toUpperCase)
- Iteration through strings
- Logical problem-solving
A mini-project to manage employee records:
-> Add, remove, and view employee details
-> Store employee details using ArrayList
-> Search for employees based on criteria (e.g., ID or name)
Through this project, I have learnt:
- Use of ArrayList for dynamic data storage
- Object-oriented principles (Encapsulation, Class Design)
- Comparator for sorting
- Java Development Kit (JDK) installed
- An IDE or text editor (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or VS Code)
git clone
cd Java-Projects
java ProgramName
- Java basics and intermediate programming techniques
- Working with arrays, strings, and collections (ArrayList)
- Error handling and debugging
- Real-world problem-solving using Java
For any queries or feedback, email me at: Mail