A fullstack application mimicking a To-Do App but optimising it to improve productivity by predicting the relative importance of each task.
STATUS : Fully Functional Application now !!! Front-End Improvements incoming
- python- pandas, tensorflow, scikit-learn, Django
- html, css, javascript, bootstrap
- Task_id : primary_key int
- Account_Name : String
- Current_datetime : datetime
- Due_datetime : datetime
- Brief_Description : String
- Task_type : Category
- Hours_left : hrs in decimal (derived)
- Weight : int in range(10)(derived)
- Completed : boolean
- Workplace : Employer can efficiently assign tasks and ensure time is spent more appropriately on important tasks
- Academia : Can help with students' time management
- Should Increase Productivity and improve work life balance because an algorithm helps you decide where to start :) !
- The interface can be more friendly
- The dataset can be personalised better
- Model will take time to give personalised predictions
- Too many input fields to enter may test your patience