RealFuels v7.0
v7.0 /
Add tanks to more FS parts
*Disable TweakScale on any part with a ModuleEngineConfigs / ModuleHybridEngine
*TACLS now supports RF/MFT natively, so removed TACLS interaction cfg.
*Enable ElectricCharge in fuselages
*Update ElectricCharge utilization to be 500 rather than 100 (mass per EC unchanged). Now it quite closely matches Silver Zinc Oxide batteries in volume as well as mass.
*Spanier: add KSPX Short 2.5m RCS config.
*Revert to showing the full precision volume of tanks.
*Removed configs for B9 jets and rockets; use AJE.
*Removed last remaining engine configs (Starwaster's NTRs, TT Vector engine)--use an engine pack!
*By default bring back up the mass of solid fuel in a part to where it was pre-RF. Later configs will override.
*Temporarily disable the "dedicated" setting for tanks, it's just causing issues.
*Update to 0.24.1