I don't like that there is not an opensoure Delorme/Garmin inReach to APRS bridge. So naturally now there are 15 obscure versions. This 16th version is probably vapourware.
For reference - The Delorme API is documented at https://files.delorme.com/support/inreachwebdocs/KML%20Feeds.pdf
Send inReach positions to APRSIS ✅
usage: inreach2aprs.py [-h] [--mapshare_url MAPSHARE_URL]
[--mapshare_password MAPSHARE_PASSWORD]
aprs_callsign aprs_ssid aprs_password
positional arguments:
aprs_callsign Your callsign; VK2GPL
aprs_ssid ARPS SSID or none; eg "-6"; see
aprs_password APRS Passcode
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--mapshare_url MAPSHARE_URL
inReach MapShare URL; see
--mapshare_password MAPSHARE_PASSWORD
OPTIONAL - inReach MapShare password
- Support public MapShare links - probably works but not tested yet
- Support authenticated MapShare links ✅
- Handle deduplicating rather than relying on APRSIS to handle dupes ✅