- Function as an "Asset Register"
- Track all the platform / system in the orgnization
- Built by the infrastructure team
- Used by:
- Infra team
- Tech support team
- Engineering
- Accounting
- Function as a repository of command line arguments for given Platforms
- Aid in the automation of support process
- Built by technical support team
- Used by:
- Tech support team
- Infra team
- Engineering
- Request/Response style
- Request will "wait" for response
- Externally facing services usually synchronous(http requests)
- Services usually need to know about each other
- Here using
- http
- grpc
public async Task<ActionResult<PlatformService>> CreatePlatform(PlatformCreateDto platformCreateDto)
var platformModel = _mapper.Map<Platform>(platformCreateDto);
- From a messaging perspective this method is still synchronous
- The client has to wait for the response
- Async in this context (csharp) means that the action will not wait for a long running operation
- It will hand back it's thread to the thread pool, where it can be reused.
- When the operation finishes it will re-acquire a thread and complete, (and response back to the requester)
- So async here is about thread exhaustion - the requester still has to wait (the call is synchronous
- Can and do occur
- It does tend to pair services, (couple them), creating library
- Could lead to long dependency chain
- No request / response circle
- Requester doesn't wait
- Event model, publish - subscribe
- Typically used between services
- Event bus is often used