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carolineclark edited this page Aug 17, 2015 · 8 revisions

Terminal Quest is an introduction to terminal commands in the style of a text adventure game.

Enter the town of Folderton, a peaceful uneventful town. Until now.

People are going missing, a mysterious bell keeps ringing and you receive notes from an enigmatic stranger. Grab a keyboard and figure out what is going on before it is too late.

The town of Folderton is a filesystem which the user interacts with using Linux commands. By providing an engaging narrative (and heaps and heaps of ascii art), we give a context to commands like ls, cd, mv, cat, nano and echo, and make them easier to remember and understand.

How to install it

Kano OS

Terminal Quest is installed by default on Kano OS, and is provided as a debian package in our repositories.

For development, it is recommended that you clone the repo and develop in the home directory on Kano OS, as it has a lot of dependencies from other packages in Kano OS.

Package name: linux-story
Executable: /usr/bin/linux-story-gui

How Terminal Quest works

For a more detailed breakdown, read the development wiki page.


linux-story-gui launches the application Terminal Quest at different points in the story.

  linux-story-gui [-d | --debug]
  linux-story-gui challenge <challenge> <step> [-d | --debug]

   -h, --help       Show this message.
   -d, --debug      Debug mode, don't hide the terminal and spellbook widgets by default at the start.
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