SVCFit is a fast and scalable computational tool developed to estimate the structural variant cellular fraction (SVCF) of inversions, deletions and tandem duplications. SVCFit is designed to run in an R environment.
To install SVCFit from GitHub, you must have a GitHub acount. If you don’t have an account, first sign up at GitHub. Then, You can then install SVCFit within an R environment.
usethis::use_git_config( = "Github_user_name")
# This will open a web page in your browser where you can sign in to GitHub.
# Once signed in, you will be directed to a page to generate a new Personal Access Token (PAT).
# Enter a descriptive note for your PAT. Use the default "Scope Options" if you're unsure about them
# Then, Click the "Generate Token" button, and copy the generated PAT.
# Make sure to store it securely in a text file or a password manager.
#If this is your first PAT, a pop-up screen will appear with a box to enter your PAT.
#Go ahead and enter it. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
remotes::install_github("KarchinLab/SVCFit", build_vignettes = TRUE, dependencies = TRUE)
SVCFit is designed to take input from Variant Call Format (VCF) files. By default, it accepts the VCF format produced by the Manta package [1]. If you have a VCF output from a structural variant caller other than Manta, please modify to match this format:
CHROM | POS | ID | REF | ALT | QUAL | FILTER | INFO | FORMAT | normal | tumor |
chr1 | 1000 | INV:6:0:1:0:0:0 | T | . | PASS | END=1500;SVTYPE=INV;SVLEN=500 | PR:SR | 20,30:19,27 | 23,0:17,0 | |
chr2 | 5000 | DEL:7:0:1:0:0:0 | G | . | PASS | END=5300;SVTYPE=DEL;SVLEN=300 | PR | 15,30 | 19,0 |
SVCF() is the main function in this package that wraps all functionality described below. All functions can also be run separately.
SVCF(vcf_path="~/path/to/file.vcf", tumor_only=FALSE, length_threshold=0, overlap=TRUE, tolerance=6, window=100, multiple=FALSE, truth_path=NULL, mode="inherited")
SVCF() requires two arguments and includes several optional parameters:
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
vcf_path |
Character | NULL |
Path to VCF files. |
tumor_only |
Boolean | FALSE |
Whether the VCF is created without a matched normal sample. |
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
length_threshold |
Integer | 0 |
Structural variant length filter threshold. |
overlap |
Boolean | FALSE |
Whether structural variants should be filtered based on coordinate overlap. |
tolerance |
Integer | 6 |
Maximum distance between structural variants to be considered as a single variant. |
window |
Integer | 1000 |
Number of structural variants checked for overlap to form a single variant. |
multiple |
Boolean | FALSE |
Whether the sample has multiple clones (used in simulated data for assigning clones). |
truth_path |
Character | NULL |
Path to BED files storing true structural variant information with clonal assignment. Each BED file should be named like "c1.bed, c2.bed" , etc. Structural variants should be saved in separate BED files if they belong to different (sub)clones. |
mode |
Character | "inherited" |
Describes how true clonal information is saved: - "inherited" : BED files for child clones contain all ancestral structural variants of their parents.- "distinct" : Child clones do not contain any ancestral structural variants. |
The steps executed by SVCF() are:
This step assigns column names and extracts key information for downstream calculation and filtering. Key information includes reads, structural variant length, and structural variant coordinates.
This function has 3 arguments:
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
vcf_path |
Character | NULL |
Path to VCF files. |
tumor_only |
Boolean | FALSE |
Whether the VCF is created without a matched normal sample. |
length_threshold |
Numeric | 0 |
Structural variant length filter threshold. |
For example, the following command will generate an annotated VCF file with all structural variants with length>50
vcf <- extract_info("~/path/to/file.vcf", tumor_only=TRUE, length_threshold=50)
The output from extract_info() will be in annotated VCF format.
This step checks if structural variants in VCF files are close enough to be considered as a single structural variant. Skipping this step doesn’t affect the workflow.
This function has 4 arguments:
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
dat |
DataFrame | N/A | A dataframe to be compared. This dataframe should be the output of extract_info (an annotated VCF file) and contains structural variant genome coordinates. |
compare |
DataFrame | N/A | A dataframe used as a reference for comparison. This dataframe should be the output of extract_info (an annotated VCF file) and contains structural variant genome coordinates. |
tolerance |
Integer | 6 |
Threshold for the maximum distance between structural variants to be considered as a single variant. |
window |
Integer | 1000 |
Number of structural variants checked for overlap to form a single variant. |
Note: When dat and compare are the same dataframe, this function will merge overlapping structural variants and recompute the reads supporting the new structural variant by taking the average of the overlapping structural variants. When compare is the ground truth from a simulation, this function will also remove false positive structural variants that were not included in the simulation.
checked <- check_overlap(dat, compare)
This step calculates the structural variant cellular fraction (SVCF) for all structural variants in the input VCF file.
output <- calculate_svcf(input=checked, tumor_only=FALSE)
This function has 2 arguments:
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
dat |
DataFrame | N/A | It stores the set of information for structural variants used to calculate SVCF. This dataframe should be the output of extract_info (an annotated VCF file) . |
tumor_only |
Boolean | FALSE |
Whether the VCF is created without a matched normal sample. |
The output is an annotated VCF with additional fields for VAF, Rbar, r and SVCF. VAF=variant allele frequency; Rbar=average break interval count in a sample; r = inferred integer copy number of break intervals; SVCF=structural variant cellular fraction.
read_clone and attach_clone are functions to assign structural variants to tumor clones, when the assignment is known.
For example, if you have run a simulation and know the clonal assignment of each structural variant, the first step is to read in your clonal assignments.
4.1 read_clone
This function has 2 arguments:
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
truth_path |
Character | N/A | Path to BED files storing true structural variant information with clonal assignment. Each BED file should be named like "c1.bed, c2.bed" , etc. Structural variants should be saved in separate BED files if they belong to different (sub)clones. |
mode |
Character | inherited |
- "inherited" : BED files for the child clones contain all ancestral structural variants.- "distinct" : Child clones do not contain any ancestral structural variants. |
truth <- read_clone(truth_path, mode="inherited")
Organize your BED files according to this structure:
├── true_clone/
│ ├── c1.bed/
│ ├── c2.bed/
│ ├── c3.bed/
│ └── .../
4.2 attach_clone
This function has 3 arguments:
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
dat |
DataFrame | N/A | Stores structural variants for clone assignment. |
truth |
DataFrame | N/A | Stores the clone assignment for each structural variant. |
tolerance |
Integer | 6 |
Sets the threshold for the maximum distance between structural variants to be considered as a single structural variant when assigning clones. |
attched <- attach_clone(dat, truth, tolerance = 6)
Test datasets are available in this repository
The tutorial uses the test datasets and provides detailed instructions about how to use the input and the expected output.
vignette("SVCFit_guide", package = "SVCFit")
All data used for generating the figures in Liu et al can be acquired as described below. All necessary code is available in
- The simulated data described in
Methods/VISOR Benchmark Set
andMethods/Timing Comparison
is available here. - The data described in
Methods/Benchmark on prostate metastasis mixtures
can be generated by accessing protected data from European Genome-phenome Archive (EGAD00001001343) and running this script [2].
- Chen, X. et al. (2016) Manta: rapid detection of structural variants and indels for germline and cancer sequencing applications. Bioinformatics, 32, 1220-1222. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv710
- Cmero, Marek, Yuan, Ke, Ong, Cheng Soon, Schröder, Jan, Corcoran, Niall M., Papenfuss, Tony, et al., “Inferring Structural Variant Cancer Cell Fraction,” Nature Communications, 11(1) (2020), 730.