- The App is still under development so this may contain some errors.
- Generate your own TheMovieDb api key
- Create a class named API_KEY.kt in app\src\main\java\kashish\com
- Copy and paste following code with your API KEY :
class API_KEY{ companion object { val TMDB_API_KEY = "YOUR API KEY"; } }
- Create a new firebase project and then paste the generated google-services.json key in app directory
- These are required steps, app won't build without these.
- Firebase is needed for crashlytics support.
- If you don't want to add firebase, just remove all firebase dependencies from gradle file.
- TheMovieDBApp is movies app built with android architecture components and the repository pattern (LiveData, ViewModel, Room, Paging).
- TheMovieDb API is used to fetch movie details.
- Fragments
- Details Activity
- Night mode
- Others