The most recommended option is to go to the releases section and download the binaries, in the same way it will try to distribute for most distributions and platforms! IT CAN BE INSTALLED FROM APMPKG! In the same way, in this markdown it will give the way to take the ApmPKG installation to your machine.
Table of Contents:
This is just a guide on how it is recommended to install the binaries with the package managers below:
Apt is the package manager for debian and its derivatives, to do an installation using apt just by typing the following commands in your terminal:
wget; apt install ./apmpkg-amd64.deb
In this way apt searches for the necessary dependencies for ApmPKG
Dnf, the next generation of yum, we highly recommend using dnf for the installation of ApmPKG so that it is a desired installation as it should, in the event that the installation does not work with this binary you can use the other one destined for zypper, to install with this tool it is necessary to execute the following:
wget; dnf localinstall apmpkg-1.5.1-1.fc34.x86_64.rpm
In this way you will already have Apm PKG installed on your computer
Pacman the archlinux package manager, in the same way it can be installed with this manager, you just need to run:
wget; pacman -U apmpkg-1.5.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
Or in a better way you can have the latest versions with the repository krep0, if you don't have it in your pacman.conf, you should do the following:
Place the following lines in /etc/pacman.conf
Server = https://$$arch
Server =
Now we will have to configure the public keys with which the packages are signed, there are two easy ways, manual and automated. The automated way is to run the following command:
$ curl -O
$ bash
Or if you want to do it manually run:
$ curl -O && sudo pacman-key -a
And update with pacman -Syu
Once you have krep0 in your pacman.conf you must execute the following to install apmpkg:
pacman -S apmpkg
In case you want to install the development version (not recommended) you should run:
pacman -S apmpkg-dev
Zypper is the OpenSUSE package manager and for ApmPKG to be installed, you just need to execute the following:
wget; zypper in apmpkg-1.5.1-1.fc34.x86_64.rpm
A universal package manager for linux written in rust and bash. As we said before that to install ApmPKG it can also be used to download ApmPKG, obviously you will not be able to download ApmPKG in ApmPKG without first having it installed, this method is used more to update ApmPKG, because you just need to write the following command.
apmpkg instalar -u
Yet another yogurt or with any other helper to install AUR packages, ApmPKG is also in AUR and what better way than to install it with yay, with the following command
yay -S apmpkg
Similarly there are more ApmPKG versions in AUR.
Alpine linux package manager, and in this update we have support for it, why don't you install it with:
apk add --allow-untrusted apmpkg-1.5.1-r0.apk
And if you want to have the documentation installed, try with:
apk add --allow-untrusted apmpkg-doc-1.5.1-r0.apk
Or in your case it can be installed from the testing branch of alpine
apk add apmpkg@testing
For manual installation and compilation, you must meet the following requirements:
- Dependencies to compile: git, cargo, pkg-config, openssl and openssl can vary in different distributions, this is necessary for openssl rust, [more information here]( index.html # automatic)
- ApmPKG dependencies: pip3 / pip2, bundle, wget, fakeroot, rsync, npm and git
To start the compilation process, you must execute the following:
$ git clone
$ cd apmpkg
$ cargo build --release
# cp target/release/apmpkg /usr/bin
# mkdir -p /etc/apmpkg/iiabc
# cp -r src/iiabc /etc/apmpkg/iiabc
# mkdir -p /etc/apmpkg/paquetes
To install the manuals just run, as you need to have man installed to be able to read the manual pages since many distributions do not have it installed by default
# mkdir -p /usr/local/share/man/man1
# cp man/* /usr/local/share/man/man1
To install the completions you only need to execute the following according to your shell
To install the Bash completions you should execute the following:
[user@pc-pro]$ install -Dm644 completions/apmpkg.bash-completion /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/apmpkg
To instal on Zsh
% install -Dm644 completions/_apmpkg /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_apmpkg
If you use the Fish shell, what you will have to execute will be the following:
user@pc-pro ~ install -Dm644 completions/ /usr/share/fish/vendor_completions.d/
apmpkg --help