We use Tableau to conduct some visual data analaysis to determine which Airbnb listing in New York City are the most popular.
Factors or measurements that are taken into consideration are:
- Neighbourhood
- Neightbourhood Group
- Room Type
- Price of the Room
- Minimum Number of Nights
- Number of Reviews
- The Date of Last Review
- Number of Reviews Per Month
- Availability of the Room Throughout the Year
Choy Mei Xin
Tan Yin Yuen
Kenneth Koay
The data source can be obtained via:
- Excel File: https://github.com/KennethThePro/AB_NYC_2019_EDA/blob/main/AB_NYC_2019.xlsx
- Tableau Website: https://www.kaggle.com/dgomonov/new-york-city-airbnb-open-data
The Tableau Workbook can be access via
- Tableau Public Website: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/kenneth.koay/viz/NewYorkAirBnBDataVisualization/StoryPresentation
- Downloading Tableau Public: https://public.tableau.com/en-us/s/download