Check out my live site in the wild, or sit back and watch an online demo!
I love scuba diving. When I lived in Asia I used to go at least once or twice a month. For my third project I'd like to build a SPA that holds all my diving info. The MVP will have the following functionality:
- React frontend with an Express/MongoDB backend that will hold all my dive info
- View dive sites near me - I'll be pulling data from this API and here is an example of the type of data I'll be displaying to the user. I plan to automatically detect the users location and only show dives sites near them.
- Full CRUD functionality that will log dives
- React (frontend framework)
- Express (backend framework)
- Mongoose (model data)
- MongoDB (database storage)
- Heroku & Vercel (deployment of front and backend)
- JavaScript (all the magic)
- Adding user authentication
- Add newsletter signup functionality
- Upload images to my dive log
Screen shot - Dive Sites section
Screen shot - Logged Dives section
{"_id":{"$oid":"6070d76ca533f87180a94e33"},"country":"Mozambique","site":"Moz Dive","condition":"Saw some great looking fish, some ugly ones too","createdAt":{"$date":{"$numberLong":"1618007916549"}},"updatedAt":{"$date":{"$numberLong":"1618007916549"}},"__v":{"$numberInt":"0"}}
"sites": [ { "currents": null, "distance": "7.71", "hazards": null, "lat": "33.7629", "name": "Georgia Aquarium", "water": null, "marinelife": null, "description": null, "maxdepth": null, "mindepth": null, "predive": null, "id": "23155", "equipment": null, "lng": "-84.3948" },