A collection of scripts to assist in scraping the FreeMusicArchive.
- Overview
- Installation
- Usage
- Future Plans
- Credit
This is a collection of scripts to aid in scraping the FMA's website for music. The first part of the scripts should be able to scrape selected genres and output the song URLs into subgenre specific documents, these will be separated by line breaks. The second part of the scripts should be able to download all subgenre songs into their releveant subgenre folders.
Please note these scripts have only been tested on Windows 8.1 running Python 2.7.5.
You will require:
- Python 2 (Python 3 untested)
- Requests
- Re
- Codecs
- Os
- Sys
- Wget
Most of these modules come preinstalled with Python nowadays.
- Copy the script files into the folder you wish for the music to be downloaded into.
- Ensure you have write permission in that folder.
- Run 'FMA Scraper.py', this will create a list of download URLs for songs.
- Run 'FMA Downloader.py', this will download any lists of songs found into their releveant folders.
Future Plans include:
- Multithreaded downloads.
- Multi-genre support.
Thanks to the following parties:
- AndyR207 - for mulitple accounts of troubleshooting help.