Memory stick and drive backup tool written in C#
You can download the most recent stable release here: [Github]
BackItUp_Shark.exe /? | [source] [destination] /silent /merge /name:[name]
[source] Drive (or path) to backup
[destination] Backup location
/? Displays help message
/silent Run with no output
/merge Merge with an existing backup
/name:[name] Specifies name for backup folder
BackItUp_Shark G:\ C:\ - Backup drive G: to drive C:
BackItUp_Shark Z:\ C:\ /name:Meow - Backup drive Z: to drive C: in folder named 'Meow
BackItUp_Shark C:\ D:\ /quiet /name:Meow - Backup drive Z: to drive C: in folder named 'Meow' with no console output
BackItUp_Shark C:\mystuff G:\ /merge /name:my_backup - Backup "C:\mystuff" to g:\ and if there is an backup called my_backup merge with existing backup
Running with no arguments will produce a simple menu
Written by Matthew Carney [[email protected]] =^-^=