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Kilvoctu edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 15 revisions

Currently these appear on the output of each /draw command and lets you perform various things after.
Due to limitations, when drawing more than one image per /draw command, buttons only appear on the last image. To interact with the other images, please use the context menu.

Here is a summary of the buttons:


The πŸ–‹οΈ contains 4 fields to edit various aspects of your output image. All of the fields will be pre-populated with the parameters of the respective image:

  • Prompt - You can change this up or leave it the same. This is the only required field.
  • Negative prompt - Same as above, for your negative prompt. This can be left blank to have no negative prompt.
  • Seed - Lets you specify a seed to use. If deleting this field or setting something invalid (like letters), the seed will be randomized.
  • Extended edit - This is a more advanced editing that allows changing other parameters. See below.

Extended edit: If you want to change any of these parameters, just change what's after the :.
So if you got steps:20 and want to do 50 steps, then change that line to steps:50.
If an invalid value is given on any of these lines, AIYA will send you a reminder of what values can be used and allow you to try again. This can be useful, for example, if you need a reminder of what data models are available.

    • data_model: (use the "Display name" of the model)
    • steps: (keep this between 0 and server's max steps limit (default 50))
    • width: (any multiple of 64, from 192 to 1024)
    • height: (any multiple of 64, from 192 to 1024)
    • guidance_scale: (any number, decimals supported)
    • sampler: (any valid supported sampler)
    • strength: (any number, decimals supported. Best results between 0.0 and 1.0)
    • style: (any style that's set up for use (only one can be used at a time...))
    • facefix: (any facefix model or None)
    • clip_skip: (a number from 1 to 12)
    • hypernet: (any loaded hypernetwork or None)
    • lora: (any loaded LoRA or None)

Any lines from Extended edit can be safely ignored if no changes are desired.


This button simply creates a new image with all the same parameters, but with a new random seed.


The πŸ“‹ will tell you about the various parameters of the output image. It also provides the command for copying, which could be useful, as this is the only button available to all users (the others can only be used by whoever initiated the /draw).
The fastest way to copy on Discord desktop client is triple-click the field below Command for copying, and it'll highly the whole field. On mobile, tap and hold and it'll copy to clipboard.


This is how you would delete the output image, in case something unsavory appears.
Due to a combination of Discord and Pycord limitations, and my lack of skill, all buttons break whenever AIYA is restarted (because the bot will forget all its posts/interactions when shut down); as such, if you need to delete an image in this scenario, the fallback that will always work is adding an ❌ reaction to the output.