- Chat with RTX is currently built for RTX 3xxx and RTX 4xxx series GPUs that have at least 8GB of GPU memory.
- At least 100 GB of available hard disk space
- Tested on Ubuntu 22.04
- Latest NVIDIA GPU drivers
- Nvidia Driver:
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-535
- Recommand: Find a suitable CUDA version from Nvidia official website
- Not Recommand:
sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit
wget https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu2004/x86_64/cuda-keyring_1.0-1_all.deb sudo dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.0-1_all.deb sudo apt-get update sudo apt install libnccl2
- libmpi:
sudo apt install libopenmpi-dev
Install miniconda, create new environment and install pytorch=2.1.0, mpi4py=3.1.5, tensorrt-llm
conda create -n trtllm python=3.10 conda activate trtllm # If use the command "conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia", will automatically install the latest version of pytorch. But this will cause ERROR: "FATAL: Decoding operators failed to load. This may be caused by the incompatibility between PyTorch and TensorRT-LLM. Please rebuild and install TensorRT-LLM." # Recommand find pytorch 2.1.1 for CUDA 12.1 from [pytorch official website](https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/) # Using pip install is also a good choice conda install pytorch==2.1.1 torchvision==0.16.1 torchaudio==2.1.1 pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia conda install -c conda-forge mpi4py mpich pip install --no-cache-dir -U --extra-index-url https://pypi.nvidia.com tensorrt-llm
In China, you can use these command below without vpn:
conda create -n trtllm python=3.10 conda activate trtllm # If use the command "conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia", will automatically install the latest version of pytorch. But this will cause ERROR: "FATAL: Decoding operators failed to load. This may be caused by the incompatibility between PyTorch and TensorRT-LLM. Please rebuild and install TensorRT-LLM." # Recommand find pytorch 2.1.1 for CUDA 12.1 from [pytorch official website](https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/) # Using pip install is also a good choice conda install pytorch==2.1.1 torchvision==0.16.1 torchaudio==2.1.1 pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia conda install -c conda-forge mpi4py mpich pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple -U --extra-index-url https://pypi.nvidia.com tensorrt-llm
Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download models and build the engine
- Download tokenizer: Download config.json, tokenizer.json, tokenizer.model, tokenizer_config.json from
Llama 2 or Mistral,
place it in
- Get Quantized weights: Downlaod the LLaMa 2 13B AWQ 4bit and mistral 7B int4 quantized model weights form NGC:
llama_tp1.json, llama_tp1_rank0.npz from Llama 13b int4 or
mistral_tp1.json, mistral_tp1_rank0.npz from Mistral 7B int4,
place it in
- Build the engine: Run
Make sure your directory will be built like this:
model - llama - llama13_hf - config.json - tokenizer.json - tokenizer.model - tokenizer_config.json - llama13_int4_awq_weights - llama_tp1.json - llama_tp1_rank0.npz - llama13_int4_engine - config.json - llama_float16_tp1_rank0.engine - model.cache - mistral
- Download tokenizer: Download config.json, tokenizer.json, tokenizer.model, tokenizer_config.json from
Llama 2 or Mistral,
place it in
Run the app
python app.py
By the way, if your network is not strong enough, you may get ERROR
requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: (MaxRetryError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='huggingface.co', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/models/WhereIsAI/UAE-Large-V1 (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f18dad3eaa0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 101] Network is unreachable'))"), '(Request ID: 644e7780-d7cf-4df4-bbb6-ea09377662ab)')
.Certainly, you can fix it by downloading the files previous and changing the code with paths of files.
Recommanded method is to set a proxy for the code, assuming that you have configure a proxy on your computer:
import os os.environ['CURL_CA_BUNDLE'] = '' os.environ['HTTP_PROXY'] = "" os.environ['HTTPS_PROXY'] = "" # os.environ['ALL_PROXY'] = "socks5://"
Original readme below:
forked from the Official Installer and trt-llm-rag-windows
Chat with RTX is a demo app that lets you personalize a GPT large language model (LLM) connected to your own content—docs, notes, videos, or other data. Leveraging retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), TensorRT-LLM, and RTX acceleration, you can query a custom chatbot to quickly get contextually relevant answers. And because it all runs locally on your Windows RTX PC or workstation, you’ll get fast and secure results. Chat with RTX supports various file formats, including text, pdf, doc/docx, and xml. Simply point the application at the folder containing your files and it'll load them into the library in a matter of seconds. Additionally, you can provide the url of a YouTube playlist and the app will load the transcriptions of the videos in the playlist, enabling you to query the content they cover
The pipeline incorporates the LLaMa 2 13B model, TensorRT-LLM, and the FAISS vector search library. For demonstration, the dataset consists of recent articles sourced from NVIDIA Gefore News.
Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) for large language models (LLMs) seeks to enhance prediction accuracy by leveraging an external datastore during inference. This approach constructs a comprehensive prompt enriched with context, historical data, and recent or relevant knowledge.
- Chat with RTX is currently built for RTX 3xxx and RTX 4xxx series GPUs that have at least 8GB of GPU memory.
- At least 100 GB of available hard disk space
- Windows 10/11
- Latest NVIDIA GPU drivers
- Install TensorRT-LLM 0.7v for Windows using the instructions here
pip install tensorrt_llm==0.7 --extra-index-url https://pypi.nvidia.com --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121
More details in trt-llm page
- Install requirement.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cu121
pip install nvidia-cudnn-cu11== --no-cache-dir
pip uninstall -y nvidia-cudnn-cu11
- In this project, the LLaMa 2 13B AWQ 4bit and mistral 7B int4 quantized model is employed for inference. Before using it, you'll need to compile a TensorRT Engine specific to your GPU for both the models. Below are the step to build the engine
Download tokenizer: Ensure you have access to the Llama 2 and Mistral repository on Huggingface.Downlaod config.json, tokenizer.json, tokenizer.model, tokenizer_config.json for both the models. Place the tokenizer files in dir <model_tokenizer>
Get Quantized weights: Downlaod the LLaMa 2 13B AWQ 4bit and mistral 7B int4 quantized model weights form NGC:
Get TRT-LLM exmaple repo: Download TRT-LLM 0.7v repo to build the engine
Build TRT engine: Commands to build the engines
Llama 13B int4:
python TensorRT-LLM-0.7.0\examples\llama\build.py --model_dir <model_tokenizer_dir_path> --quant_ckpt_path <quantized_weights_file_path> --dtype float16 --remove_input_padding --use_gpt_attention_plugin float16 --enable_context_fmha --use_gemm_plugin float16 --use_weight_only --weight_only_precision int4_awq --per_group --output_dir <engine_output_dir> --world_size 1 --tp_size 1 --parallel_build --max_input_len 3900 --max_batch_size 1 --max_output_len 1024
Mistral 7B int4:
python.exe TensorRT-LLM-0.7.0\examples\llama\build.py --model_dir <model_tokenizer_dir_path> --quant_ckpt_path <quantized_weights_file_path> --dtype float16 --remove_input_padding --use_gpt_attention_plugin float16 --enable_context_fmha --use_gemm_plugin float16 --use_weight_only --weight_only_precision int4_awq --per_group --output_dir <engine_output_dir> --world_size 1 --tp_size 1 --parallel_build --max_input_len 7168 --max_batch_size 1 --max_output_len 1024
- Run app
python app.py --trt_engine_path <TRT Engine folder> --trt_engine_name <TRT Engine file>.engine --tokenizer_dir_path <tokernizer folder> --data_dir <Data folder>
- Run app Update the config/config.json with below details for both the models
Name | Details |
--model_path | Trt engine direcotry path |
--engine | Trt engine file name |
--tokenizer_path | Huggingface tokenizer direcotry |
--trt_engine_path | Directory of TensorRT engine |
--installed <> | Ture/False if model is installed or not |
python app.py
- This app loads data from the dataset/ directory into the vector store. To add support for your own data, replace the files in the dataset/ directory with your own data. By default, the script uses llamaindex's SimpleDirectoryLoader which supports text files in several platforms such as .txt, PDF, and so on.
This project requires additional third-party open source software projects as specified in the documentation. Review the license terms of these open source projects before use.