adapt-contents is an extension for the Adapt framework. That enables both course and page navigation within an Adapt course. It shares similar functionality to the core-bundled Page-level-progress extension.
This video shows the features and functionality of the Contents extension:
Contents was created as our team wasn't happy with the functionality of the page-level-progress extension. We did some internal testing and many learners couldn't identify that the page-level-progress icon was clickable as it element that is not seen outside of Adapt. Additionally, we had some clients who were requesting that there was a clearer navigation of the page, so learners could understand how far through the whole course they were.
With the Adapt CLI installed, run the following from the command line:
adapt install adapt-contents
Alternatively, this extension can also be installed by adding the following line of code to the adapt.json file:
"adapt-contents": "*"
Then running the command:
adapt install
(This second method will reinstall all plug-ins listed in adapt.json.)
_isEnabled (boolean): Turns Contents on and off. Default - true.
_showArticleTitles (boolean): If true adds Article titles into the contents list. Default - false.
_showPagePosition (boolean): If true the extension checks which component is currently in the viewport and highlights it in the contents list. Default - true.
_courseNavigation (object): A feature that allows navigation between pages within the course.
_isEnabled (boolean): If true all the pages within the course are listed in the Contents list. Default - true.
_landingPage (boolean): The first page of the course acts as a landing page and acts as a single button. Default - true.
_allAccordions (boolean): If enabled the page titles act as accordions instead of buttons. All enabled components within the page are shown and you can check progress and navigate directly to a component on another page. Default - false.
_circleProgress (object): Uses jquery-circle-progress to show the current progress of the page.
- _isEnabled (boolean): If true enables the external library to display progress in a page.
- _color (string): Assigns the color of the progress wheel. This will be overriden by a custom handlebars file in your theme.
This extension has limited Accessibility support.
- Do not use in combination with the Page-level-progress extension
- Requires Framework version 2.1.0 +
- The
feature does not work on IE8 and has no fall back.
Version number: 2.1.6
Framework versions: 2.1
Author / maintainer: Simon Date
Accessibility support: WAI AA
RTL support: no
Cross-platform coverage: Chrome, Chrome for Android, Firefox (ESR + latest version), Edge 12, IE 11, IE10, IE9, IE8, IE Mobile 11, Safari for iPhone (iOS 8+9), Safari for iPad (iOS 8+9), Safari 8, Opera