This is a collection of small python functions that I have used to automatically
- download Genbank files based on a list with Genbank IDs
- subsequently extract information from the Genbank files based on the fields such as "source location"
The functions are derived from a number of posts at that I have been looking through to solve this task. I have tested the functionality in the Anaconda environment on a Windows PC (
(Python 2.7.6 |Anaconda 1.9.2 (64-bit)| (default, Nov 11 2013, 10:49:15) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32)
I have attached:
- A demo for running the workflow ""
- A module with functions for downloading and parsing genbank files ""
- an example file with genbank IDs "ACCESSION_IDs.txt"
Running the "" with these files in the working directory should result in:
- an output file "source_list.txt"
- a number of genbank files
A reminder
"In order not to overload the E-utility servers, NCBI recommends that users post no more than three URL requests per second" -