SendGreetings is built to Send Greetings via Gmail, WhatsApp and SMS to List of people automatically. Below are the things needs to setup SendGreetings.
- Google Apps - Google Drive, Google Sheets, Google Script Editor
- Account with GMAIL, TWILIO and Whatsmate.
- Some Knowledge of Javascript to edit the files.
- Create a Google Form with Name, Date of Birth, Mobile Number and Email.
- Go to Responses and Attach a Google Sheet to store the responses.
- Open the Google Sheet and Go to Tools -> Script Editor.
- The Script Editor will be launched. Copy Paste the content of files in the Script Editor.
- Update the necessary files where ever needed. You can find what needs to be updated in each file in the description section of each file.
- Run the Script to check if everything works.
- Configure the Trigger for the Project to Run the Scripts automatically without manual intervention.
- Vamsi Gajjala (Necessity is the Mother of all Inventions)
MIT- Free Software, Hell Yeah!