Releases: KitsuneLab-Development/K4-GOTV
Releases · KitsuneLab-Development/K4-GOTV
K4-GOTV | v2.0.1
- fix: Non-game thread issue on uploading demo
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
K4-GOTV | v2.0.0
- feat: Made Discord webhook optional - plugin now works without Discord integration
- feat: Added MySQL database integration for demo URL storage (made by @wohahobg)
- feat: Complete architectural overhaul for better scalability
- feat: Improved logging system with more detailed and readable output
- upgrade: Completely refactored codebase for better performance and maintainability
- optimise: Core functionalities rewritten for improved efficiency
- note: This is a major version update with significant changes to the plugin architecture
New Contributors
- @KewaiiGamer made their first contribution in #12
- @wohahobg made their first contribution in #13
Full Changelog: v1.3.4...v2.0.0
K4 GOTV Discord - v1.3.4
- feat: Added new config to enable/disable warmup recording
- feat: Added safety measurements to start the recording always if not recording, but set to auto-record
- feat: Added new config to change output folder
Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v1.3.4
K4 GOTV Discord - v1.3.3
- feat: Added option to set the Discord server's boost level to increase the file size limit automatically to it
- feat: Delete every .dem and .zip files from discord_demos folder after server start
This patch was created by @originalaidn.
Full Changelog: v1.3.2...v1.3.3
K4 GOTV Discord - v1.3.2
- fixing server crash when WS map used (via RTV or admin change) by @originalaidn in #8
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2
K4 GOTV Discord - v1.3.1
- fix: Demo file was used while trying to upload it, added a better solution to prevent it
- upgrade: File lock detection in delete and process, and wait for the file to be ready
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1
K4 GOTV Discord - v1.3.0
- feat: Added customisable payload to Discord hook
- feat: Added SFTP support
- feat: Added FTP support
- feat: Added customizable file naming patterns
- feat: Added customizable default file name config
- feat: Added Discord upload limit detection
- feat: Added player join detection to start recording
- feat: Added placeholders to FTP directory to group by date or anything else
- fix: Added double trigger block
- fix: Plugin broke other plugins due to thread sleep
- fix: File deletions not working properly
- fix: Auto record didnt start within some cases
- fix: Delayed uploads didnt remove processed files from the list
- fix: Added safety measurements to not to throttle thread with infinite sleep
- optimise: All IO based operation made to use threaded contexts
- remove: Upload delayers due to we handle them in new thread now
Full Changelog: v1.2.8...v1.3.0
K4 GOTV Discord - v1.2.8
fix: Possibly resolved the issue that breaks other plugins
CS2 GOTV Discord - v1.2.7
fix: Applied variable placeholder replacement for all texts
Full Changelog: v1.2.6...v1.2.7
CS2 GOTV Discord - v1.2.6
- feat: Added new placeholder - {requester_name} - Returns all people name who requested the demo a, b, c
- feat: Added new placeholder - {requester_steamid} - Returns all people steamid who requested the demo a, b, c
- feat: Added new placeholder - {requester_both} - Returns all people both who requested the demo a (as), b (bs), c (cs)
- feat: Added new placeholder - {requester_count} - Returns the count of people who requested the demo
- feat: Added new placeholder - {player_count} - Returns the count of online real players
- feat: Added new placeholder - {requester_name[x]} - Returns given index of people name who requested the demo
- feat: Added new placeholder - {requester_steamid[x]} - Returns given index of people steamid who requested the demo
- feat: Added new placeholder - {requester_both[x]} - Returns given index of people both who requested the demo
- upgrade: Added proper file deletion for the demo files with logging and file lock watcher
- fix: Error log on hotReload
- remove: Removed fix file open fix, because it should not happen on healthy servers
Full Changelog: v1.2.5...v1.2.6