- Download the source code to your local env
- Install node modules in the project directory.
In the project directory, run the following command.
npm install -g nodemon
cd server/
nodemon index
The server is running on http://localhost:9080 and there are 3 APIs listening.
Retrieve products total number
Retrieve products list by page
Retrieve product information by id.
Build the product listing page looking like this screenshot. https://prnt.sc/10ecaop
Note: Only build the component parts highlighted in the red rectangle
Requirements: Pay attention to implementing the following functionalities based upon the product list page created.
- Pagination
- Thumbnail popup animation on mouseover
- Tooltip / Confirmation functionality on action buttons.
- Show the page loading bar when the page is retrieving the data from APIs.
video description: https://www.loom.com/share/86ec489fea304ec084c65241dbdd420c
- Styling: You can use 3rd party libraries like bootstrap