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Build Project

Bertard edited this page Jun 4, 2018 · 3 revisions

Here you find the instructions on how to build the knowledgefinder-dataimport project.

Before starting, please make sure you already set up the requirements: general prerequisites and dataimport prerequisites


To build the project, another configuration project is needed, e.g. the KnowledgeFinder example configuration. In the following the example configuration project is used to illustrate the set up. A list of configuration projects can be found at KnowledgeFinder - Instances.


  • Set the property in knowledgefinder-dataimport/pom.xml to the name of the configuration project. In this case "example"

    Instead of changing the property in the pom file it is also possible to add{configuration project} to the maven goal
  • Command line:

cd ./knowledgefinder-dataimport/
mvn clean install

If Maven runs out of memory set the environment variable MAVEN_OPTS e.g to -Xmx512m.

  • Eclipse:

    • Add new Maven Run Configuration with base directory ${workspace_loc:/knowledgefinder-dataimport}, goal clean install to build the data import project.

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