Technical documentation specific to the Sinopia Linked Data Editor may also be found in the wiki. The Sinopia Editor homepage is available in staging at The Sinopia Editor is a React application with all new user interfaces and functionality using React and the React ecosystem. Portions of the codebase originally extracted from the Library of Congress bfe
JavaScript runtime
JavaScript package manager
- Install node.js
- Install npm
- Run
npm init
, and follow the instructions that appear. - Get latest npm:
npm install -g npm@latest
- Run
npm install
. This installs everything needed for the build to run successfully.
Note: Currently you need to have node version 10 (version 12 may not work). You can use the "n" node package management to manage multiple version of node:
npm run build
npm start
Follow installation instructions, then run npm start
or node server.js
to start the web server using Express.
This will start up the code at http://localhost:8000.
The Sinopia Editor code is currently available via
To log into the sinopia editor in localhost, you will need a development cognito account. To do this, go to and click "Request Account". Create your account here and confirm the email address. Once created, you can go back to localhost and login with that account. You will need to be online to authenticate even when developing in localhost.
- See
for npm package dependencies. - The web server used is the
web framework for node.js - React components are located in
directory - Characters for the diacritics components come from the Mediawiki repository's specialcharacters.json. This file has been customized for use in Sinopia by including a separate label for each character set and by removing MediaWiki-specific data structures that would have made processing by Sinopia more complicated.
Specify the environment variable USE_FIXTURES=true
when building the application if you would like it to load resource templates from the filesystem instead of looking for Trellis.
The resource templates can be found in __tests__/__fixtures__
and are listed in __tests__/fixtureLoaderHelper
To convert a directory of profiles (for example, ld4ptemplates to resource templates:
rm -fr templates
mkdir -p templates
rm -f rtFileNames.txt
cat *.json | jq -c '.Profile.resourceTemplates[]' | sed 's/\\"/\\\\"/g' | while read line; do echo $line > templates/$(date +%s%N).json; done
for file in templates/*.json
id=$(jq -r '.id' $file)
mv $file $newfile
echo " '$newid.json'," >> rtFileNames.txt
then move templates/*
to __tests__/__fixtures__
and add the contents of rtFileNames.txt
to __tests__/fixtureLoaderHelper
npm run dev-start
Runs the webpack-dev-server, allowing immediate loading of live code changes without having to restart the server. The webpack-dev-server is available at http://localhost:8888. Note that running the webpack server does NOT call server.js
npm run dev-build
(no minimization) or npm run build
(with minimization)
We are using webpack as a build tool. See webpack.config.js
for build dependencies and configuration.
npm start
will spin up the production server (this depends on npm run build
already having been run). The web server is available at http://localhost:8000.
npm run eslint
Tests are written with jest:
- Unit tests ("in jsdom") are written with enzyme and react-testing-library
- Integration tests ("in-browser") are written with puppeteer
We are currently in the process of switching tests to react-testing-library.
To properly run all of the tests (including integration), you'll have to provide a couple of environment variables, so that the tests have valid user info with which to login. The env vars are:
Add these to your local .env
COGNITO_TEST_USER_NAME='[email protected]' # a test user we have on dev and stage
COGNITO_TEST_USER_PASS='<get this from shared_configs or another developer>' # not committing the real value to a public repo
Putting it all together, to run all of the tests:
npm test
npm run integration
Note that if you have an instance of the dev server already running in a separate terminal, you may need to stop the server or you may get a port conflict when running the integration tests.
To get coverage data, use npm run jest-cov
. Be sure to specify the ENV variables as described above:
npm run jest-cov
Once complete, you can start the dev server on your laptop as describe above and visit http://localhost:8888/coverage/lcov-report/index.html
(change the localhost port number in the URL as needed to reflect the one used by your local server)
There is a project view and also a view of each file. You can also check coveralls.
End-to-end tests are written with Cypress.
Add these to your local cypress.env.json
"COGNITO_TEST_USER_NAME": "sinopia-devs_client-tester",
"COGNITO_TEST_USER_PASS": "<get this from shared_configs or another developer>"
The end-to-end tests run against a complete environment running in docker:
docker-compose pull
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
To open Cypress interactively (for test development), execute npm run cypress-open
and click on the test to run.
To run test non-interactively, execute npm run cypress-run
We use circleci. The steps are in .circleci/config.yml
In the "artifacts" tab of a particular build, you can look at code coverage (coverage/lcov-report/index.html
The Sinopia Editor supports Docker, both with images hosted on Dockerhub and with an available Dockerfile to build locally.
To run the Docker image, first download the latest image by
docker pull ld4p/sinopia_editor:latest
and then to run the editor locally
in the foreground, docker run -p 8000:8000 --rm --name=sinopia_editor ld4p/sinopia_editor
. The running Sinopia Editor should now be available locally at
A docker-compose configuration is also provided to allow integration of the editor with Sinopia's platform components, including Trellis, ElasticSearch, ActiveMQ, Postgres, and the Sinopia indexing pipeline. You can spin up these components via:
$ docker-compose up editor # add the '-d' flag to daemonize and run in background
Of particular interest:
- The editor is at http://localhost:8000/
- Trellis is at http://localhost:8080/
Note that this will provide you with "out-of-the-box" Trellis, with no data in it. To spin up Trellis and its dependencies with the Sinopia container structure (root, repository, and group containers) and ACLs (declared on root container) pre-created, you can do using the platformdata
docker-compose service:
$ docker-compose run platformdata
NOTE: In order for the above to work, you will need to set COGNITO_ADMIN_PASSWORD
in a file named .env
in the sinopia_editor root.
At this point, you will likely want to begin importing resource templates into the editor, after which you can begin creating linked data resources. To import a small set of interesting resource templates, consult the instructions in this README.
If you'd like to see how the indexing pipeline is indexing Trellis data into ElasticSearch, you can spy on the ElasticSearch indexes using the DejaVu app included in the docker-compose
$ docker-compose up searchui # add the '-d' flag to daemonize and run in background
To use DejaVu, browse to http://localhost:1358, and when prompted, enter http://localhost:9200
as the ElasticSearch URL and *
as the index name.
Before building the latest Docker Image, run npm run build
to update the dist
folder with the current build.
To build the latest version of the Sinopia Editor, you can build with the docker build -t ld4p/sinopia_editor:latest --no-cache=true .
command. NOTE that images tagged with latest
will not be deployed to any of our AWS environments. See below for how to build and deploy images
If you add environment variables to which the Editor needs to pay attention (e.g. for configuring connections to Cognito or other external services on a per-instance basis), you'll need to make sure they're added to lists in three places besides e.g. the Config.js
function that uses the environment variable.
- the list given to
new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin()
in theplugins
section ofwebpack.config.js
- the build-time arguments section of
- the env specific
docker build
commands in theregister_image
section of.circleci/config.yml
All three of those locations must have the environment variable name added correctly. If the webpack configuration change is omitted, the environment variable value will not be picked up by the editor, even when running locally on a dev laptop. If either of the other two changes is omitted, the environment variable value will not make it into the environment specific images that are built and deployed.
Run docker login
and enter the correct credentials to your docker account (
Once successfully authenticated, run
docker push ld4p/sinopia_editor:latest
Ask a member on the DevOps team to go into the AWS console to update
This section assumes you've already authenticated to DockerHub via docker login
in the previous section, and also assumes you've run through the AWS development environment setup documentation and configured the AWS CLI.
First, build a new sinopia_editor
image tagged with dev
. In order to do this, you MUST provide the dev-specific build args:
$ docker build -t ld4p/sinopia_editor:dev --build-arg TRELLIS_BASE_URL= --build-arg SINOPIA_URI= --build-arg AWS_COGNITO_DOMAIN= --build-arg COGNITO_CLIENT_ID=2u6s7pqkc1grq1qs464fsi82at .
Then push the dev
-tagged image to DockerHub:
$ docker push ld4p/sinopia_editor:dev
Next, set an environment variable to the name of the AWS DevelopersRole
profile as described in the documentation above (as stored in ~/.aws/config
$ export AWS_PROFILE=change_to_whatever_you_named_your_dlss_development_profile
And, finally, run the following commands to refresh the dev ECS instance that runs the editor:
$ task_arn=$(aws ecs list-task-definitions --family-prefix sinopia-homepage --region us-west-2 --sort DESC --max-items 1 --profile $AWS_PROFILE | jq --raw-output --exit-status '.taskDefinitionArns[]')
$ cluster_arn=$(aws ecs list-clusters --region us-west-2 --profile $AWS_PROFILE | jq --raw-output --exit-status '.clusterArns[] | select(contains(":cluster/sinopia-dev"))')
$ aws ecs update-service --service sinopia-homepage --region us-west-2 --cluster $cluster_arn --task-definition $task_arn --force-new-deployment --profile $AWS_PROFILE
The steps to create a tagged release are documented in the tagged-release ticket template. Please create a tagged-release ticket when performing a release.
The Sinopia Editor is forked from
From lcnetdev description: bfe
is a standalone Editor for the Library of Congress's Bibliographic Framework
(BIBFRAME) Initiative. It can be used more generically as an editor for RDF data.
uses BIBFRAME Profiles to render an HTML/UI input form; it is
capable of integrating 'lookup' services, which query data from external Web APIs;
and implementers can define the input and extract the output.
From a design standpoint, the objective with bfe
was to create the simplest
'pluggable' form editor one can to maximize experimental implementer's abilities
to create/edit BIBFRAME data. The current focus is to transform bfe into a production ready tool.
This repository includes a development example, a "production" example, and
various BIBFRAME Profiles with which to begin experimenting. In order
to get started with bfe
quickly and easily, there are two main aspects of bfe
a javascript library and an accompanying CSS file. The packaged javascript
library bundles a few additional libraries, some of which are JQuery, Lo-Dash,
elements from Twitter's Bootstrap.js, and
Twitter's typeahead.js. The CSS bundle includes mostly elements of
Twitter's Bootstrap and a few additional custom CSS declarations.
- Chrome 34
- Firefox 24+
- Safari - 6+
- Internet Explorer 10+
- Opera - 12+
NOTE: bfe
has also not been thoroughly tested in the browsers for which
support is currently listed. It has been developed primarily using Chrome.
It has been tested in both Chrome and Safari mobile versions.
From a design standpoint, the objective with bfe
was to create the simplest
'pluggable' form editor one can to maximize experimental implementer's abilities
to create/edit linked data. The current focus is to transform bfe into a production ready tool.
All contributions are welcome. If you do not code, surely you will discover an issue you can report.
We currently use AWS Cognito to manage the
authentication of users. Cognito uses a client id to manage the connection to
this application (see awsClientID()
in src/Config.js
). Whenever changes are made to the AWS configuration this client_id
changes and so you must also submit a PR to change the client id in this application as well. In the production environment
this will be handled via an environment variable, but for local functionality and testing, the hard-coded value must be updated,
or you must set the environment variable AWS_CLIENT_ID
to be the current client id.
We use open source BrowserStack accounts for cross-platform/browser testing. See the Sinopia Editor wiki for more details about how to get an account.
To trigger a test exception, doubleclick "The underdrawing for the new world of linked data in libraries" on the home page.
In addition to all the good people who have worked on JQuery, Lo-Dash, Twitter's Bootstrap, Twitter's typeahead.js, require.js, [dryice], and more, all of whom made this simpler, special recognition needs to go to the developers who have worked on's Ace editor and the fine individuals at Zepheira.
Using require.js
, Ace
's developers figured out a great way to bundle their code
into a single distributable. Ace
's methods were studied and emulated, and when
that wasn't enough, their code was ported (with credit, of course, and those
snippets were ported only in support of building the package with dryice
). The
's devs also just have a really smart way of approaching this type of
javascript project.
In late 2013, and demoed at the American Library Association's Midwinter Conference,
Zepheira developed a prototype BIBFRAME Editor. Although that project never moved
beyond an experimental phase, Zepheira's work was nevertheless extremely influential,
especially with respect to bfe
's UI design. (None of the code in bfe
was ported
from Zepheira's prototype.) Zepheira also developed the BIBFRAME Profile
- LD4P2 Sinopia Project Team
Unless otherwise noted, code that is originally developed by Stanford University
in the Sinopia Editor
is licensed under the Apache 2.
Original bfe
code is in the Public Domain.
NOTE: bfe
includes or depends on software from other open source projects, all or
most of which will carry their own license and copyright. The Public Domain mark
stops at bfe
original code and does not convey to these projects.