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Releases: Koenvh1/ets2-local-radio

v1.11.0 - Key difference

11 Mar 13:09
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  • Fix stations being overwritten by custom stations
  • Added support for web logos in the overlay
  • Make "Switch to favourite" key scroll through favourites if favourite is already selected
  • Some new stations added

v1.10.1 - Your savior

05 Mar 01:10
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Apparently, the "Go to favourite key" would not be saved in some cases. That is fixed now.

I did not intend on releasing this now, but I do want to give you more than just a bug fix, so this version adds Basque Country and Catalonia, with their local stations.

v1.10.0 - Best of both worlds

04 Mar 10:29
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Now, a lot of people have submitted radio stations. A lot of those submissions have been added, a lot haven't, either because they didn't broadcast in a wide enough range, they didn't broadcast over DAB or FM or some other reason. I have always tried to give you an as realistic as possible feel with ETS2 Local Radio, which is why those stations were not included. However, I do understand that you may still want to listen to your favourite station, even if it does not meet the criteria. ETS2 Local Radio won't change, don't worry, the criteria will stay the same; the only difference is that you are now able to add your own custom radio stations using the \web\stations\stations-custom.js file. These stations can be bound to a country, or you can make them always available. I think (and hope) that this solution pleases those who've requested the addition of custom stations while still preserving the realism for others. More info can be found in the readme.

Now, that was not the only thing that was added of course:

  • Support for custom stations
  • Quite a few new stations
  • Visual feedback when making a station favourite
  • Added a "Switch to favourite" key, allowing you to quickly switch to that country's favourite.
  • Made the whitenoise volume fluctuation more gradual
  • Support for Open Spaces (but don't expect great coverage outside cities, you're in the middle of Russia after all)

v1.9.0 - Singing loudly and shining brightly

24 Feb 18:14
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Good news! Most radio stations appear to have fixed their playback on Chrome and Opera 😃
The error message for both these browsers has been removed. Additionally, this will be the last time you will have to re-enter your settings, because starting from this version, ETS2 Local Radio will have a new settings format that does transfer to the next version.

Apart from that, the following things have been added:

  • Removed warning for Chrome and Opera
  • New settings file
  • Updated several languages
  • Added a script to check a station's availability.
  • Fix maximum volume after station change
  • Fixed several stations
  • Several other fixes

v1.8.0 - My biggest fan

20 Feb 16:21
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  • Stations added
  • Moved favourites to the server
  • Added Japanese
  • Updated Italian (thanks @DarkArtek )
  • Added Edge notification
  • Fixed volume spike when switching stations

Oh, and if you're wondering what the title is about... 😉

v1.7.1 - Way To Go®

11 Feb 01:33
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A quick new version that fixes keyboard input when one key is undefined... Whoops 😥

  • Added donation button
  • New stations added
  • New licence (MIT replaced with MPL-2.0)
  • Fixed keyboard input not working when one key is undefined

v1.7.0 - Left in the dark

09 Feb 14:21
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A new day, a new version. This time featuring:

  • Sort by signal strength
  • New in-game overlay to show logo and signal strength
  • New stations added
  • Brightness slider
  • Fixed controller selection

v1.6.1 - Regain control

25 Jan 19:06
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This is not going to be the most exciting update. It adds minor improvements and other fixes. 😄

  • Updated languages
  • Ask for installing the overlay
  • Allow reinstalling
  • Added option to choose the controller

v1.6.0 - To me to you

18 Jan 23:21
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So, it has been a while. This update smoothens some rough edges in previous version, like making the beta ATS support work like you expect it would. 😄

  • Automatic switch from ATS to ETS2 and vice versa
  • Fixed server becoming unresponsive
  • Fixed playback for certain stations
  • Added warning when a station does not work
  • Show a warning for unsupported browsers
  • New plugin installation

v1.5.2 - For the time being...

13 Jan 20:56
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Because a recent Chrome update caused old Shoutcast streams to stop working, and actually solving the issue will require a lot of rewriting, this update should temporarily fix the playback issue, so you won't have to be without ETS2 Local Radio for the coming weeks till I have properly fixed it. 😄 Unfortunately, the fix does not work with the installer, so I temporarily removed that download option, sorry 😞

  • Added Danish (thanks to D9)
  • Updated Finnish
  • Temporary fix by including Iron Portable version 54, a browser where all playback does work.

(If it shows "Iron Portable is already running", then please manually go to the URL in Firefox)

If may show that there is an update available immediately after you click the "Open ETS2 Local Radio" link. That is because this is a pre-release, and the latest version is still 1.5.1