is a library that contains a collection of IBDesignable UIKit views subclases with rounded corners.
pod 'RoundedViews', '~> 1.0'
- In the
identity inspector
ofInterface Builder
, set the class of your view to the rounded subclass i.e. RoundedView, RoundedButton, RoundedImage, RoundedLabel. - In the
attributes inspector
set theRadius Multiplier
To use it programatically just instantiate the subclass that you need and set the radiusMultiplier
NOTE: When the Radius Multiplier
value is 2 in a view that has the same with and height then the view will be a circle. The greater the number, the corners will be less rounded.
NOTE: You may need to check Clip Subviews
in the attributes inspector
or set clipsToBounds
to true
is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.