It provide some adds to the SFML library including:
- Resource manager
- Event manager with callback
- A Gui
- Container
- Frame
- Button
- Text Button
- Sprite Button
- Sprite
- Label
- Layout
- Vertical
- Horizontal
- Container
- 2D tile map framwork
- Tile Hexa [Iso], Square [Iso], Staggered [Iso]
- loading from json file
- possibility to make your own mapLoader
- 2D Map Editor
- Saved in database
- Entity system
- Customisable Components
- Customisable Systems
- Customisable Entity
- Entity manager
- Application
- Box2D debugDraw (optional)
- CEGUI GuiManager (optional)
- convert events from SFML to cegui
- SFML 2.0 +
- Box2D 2.3 + (optional)
- cpp-utils : json parser (for map framwork,
- C++11 compiler
- all the previous depndencies
- map framwork
- CEGUI 0.8.x
- cpp-ORM : Cpp ORM (
- lua 5.1
- luabind (