Ksp-InfoBar - Display server messages on screen.
Message Display: It shows a series of messages to players while they are in the game. These messages can be customized and are displayed one after the other.
Scrolling Text: The messages appear as scrolling text, moving across the screen at a speed that can be adjusted for each message.
Visual Style: The appearance of the message bar, including background color, border, text color, and glow effect, can be customized to fit the desired look and feel within the config.lua - Also includes a config-themes.lua for a list of predefined themes.
Interaction: Players have the ability to move the message bar around the screen if needed, allowing them to place it in a convenient location using /infob to activate the move of the infobar and 'esc keybind' to exit the move mode.
Configuration: The messages and their styles are set up in a configuration file, making it easy to change what messages are shown and how they look without altering the main code.
License Agreement - Ks Productions
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Copyright Notice: Ks Productions holds and reserves all rights to the File and its content, including subsequent versions, under copyright law. Unauthorized use, duplication, or distribution is strictly prohibited.
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