This is the public code repository for our work SPOMP. Here are all the submodules needed for the stack.
IEEE T-FR: arXiv:
author={Miller, Ian D. and Cladera, Fernando and Smith, Trey and Taylor, Camillo Jose and Kumar, Vijay},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Field Robotics},
title={Air-Ground Collaboration with SPOMP: Semantic Panoramic Online Mapping and Planning},
keywords={Semantics;Laser radar;Task analysis;Planning;Robot sensing systems;Sensors;Three-dimensional displays},
We provide Docker images that can be used to run this code:
# Clone and run the master docker image
git clone
cd dcist_master
./run.bash dcist-master
# Clone the repo and build
cd user_ws
mkdir src
git clone --recursive -j8 src/spomp-system
catkin config --extend ~/dcist_ws/devel && catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Launch files for air and ground robots can be found inside semantics_manager
- semantics_manager: Starting point for launch files and configuration management
- ROFL: LiDAR odometry
- SPOMP: Autonomy stack for UGVs. Handles terrain analysis and global and local planning.
- ASOOM: Aerial orthomapper
- top_down_renderer: Crossview localizer
- air_router: High-level planner for UAV
- MOCHA: Distributed, opportunistic communication framework
- grid_map: Fork of grid_map with resizing and compression capabilities
- orbslam3_ros: ROS wrapper for ORBSLAM3
- erfnet_pytorch_ros: ROS wrapper for erfnet (for aerial image segmentation)
- rangenet_inf: ROS wrapper for RangeNet++ (for depth panorama segmentation)
- ouster_decoder: Ouster LiDAR driver (needed for ROFL)
- ORB_SLAM3: Fork of ORB_SLAM3 with loop closure deactivated.
These are not needed to run the stack, but may be useful.
- SILL: Depth panorama/LiDAR labelling tool
- rviz_textured_quads Useful tool for visualizing map images in rviz