This python code pulls electrical outage data from CenterPoint, an electricity provider in Houston, Texas.
This data has location of outage, number of affected customers, and a device ID that indicates what failed.
Real time data must be collected, because historical data is not avaliable.
If this script is run by itself, the data is collected.
This script could be imported into another script, and the function
can be used on its own.
Data collected from here:
using the API:
Each Output file is ~25 KB (high end estimate for normal baseline outages)
If collected every 5 minutes, 7.2 MB of storage are needed every day.
2.628 GB is needed every year, excluding high intensity events.
Code Written by:
Kyle Shepherd, at Rice University (Version 1)
[email protected]
Claire Casey, at Rice University (Version 2)
[email protected]
Translated to Python by Kyle Shepherd
Oct 24, 2018