A python based aimbot that identifies targets though screen analysis. Enemies are outlined in Red during the game, so this program finds the red outline and places the crosshair in the center.
Overwatch aim bot program
This code runs in the background of your computer as you play Overwatch.
It identifies the location of enemies through image analysis.
Specifically, in Overwatch, each enemy is outlined in Red.
This program takes a screenshot, identifies red pixels on the screen, and moves
your cursor to the center of the red pixels.
I have not searched for the best thesholds to use to identify the red lines and
just the red lines
If this script is run by itself, the Main function is run using these values
key = 0x42 #b key
xbbox = 200
ybbox = 200
Function ScreenGrab(sct,bbox) gets the screenshot
Function GetOutline(im,bbox) get the red lines
Function PrintScreenGrab(im) and PrintOutline(im,xloc,yloc,bbox) are uses when
debugging is on, to see what is being captured and identified as a red line
Function CursorSnap(xloc,yloc,bbox) moves the cursor based on the red line information
Function Main has an infinite loop, and listens for a key to run the above functions
Virtual key codes can be found by googling "windows Virtual-Key Codes"
For this code to work, your computer must be beefy enough to run overwatch at a
fast frame rate, to reduce input lag. Otherwise, this program will aim
behind your target.
Code Written by:
Kyle Shepherd
[email protected]
Sep 23, 2016