This plugin adds a build wrapper to set environment variables from a HashiCorp Vault secret.
If using the AWS secret backend for vault you need to make sure you give some time for the IAM credentials to become active. For example, a build job may look like the following:
sleep 5 && aws ec2 describe-instances
The Vault plugin allows you to define the vault server URL as well as the root token via global configuration.
Then in your job in the under Build Environment you check off Vault Plugin and configure the path to the secret in vault, and add key/value pairs to set environment variables with the values of keys in the vault path.
Here you can also override the vault server URL and token. (This is currently broken: JENKINS-37203)
This plugin also supports using a Jenkinsfile via the Pipeline Plugin
node {
def secrets = [
[$class: 'VaultSecret', path: 'secret/testing', secretValues: [
[$class: 'VaultSecretValue', envVar: 'testing', vaultKey: 'value_one'],
[$class: 'VaultSecretValue', envVar: 'testing_again', vaultKey: 'value_two']]],
[$class: 'VaultSecret', path: 'secret/another_test', secretValues: [
[$class: 'VaultSecretValue', envVar: 'another_test', vaultKey: 'value']]]
wrap([$class: 'VaultBuildWrapper', vaultSecrets: secrets]) {
sh 'echo $testing'
sh 'echo $testing_again'
sh 'echo $another_test'
- JENKINS-37201 - Do not store retrived secrets in build.xml
- JENKINS-37203 - Override Authentication Token?" do not work
- Add a BuildStep for use as an alternative to the Build Wrapper.
- 2016/08/15 - Re-release due to failed maven release - 1.2
- 2016/08/11 - Bugfix release - 1.1
- Refactor to allow getting multiple vault keys in a single API call JENKINS-37151
- 2016/08/02 - Initial release - 1.0