A very small Julia utility package for caching the content of files in memory, reloading them only if the file's timestamp has changed since it was last loaded.
To install, from the Julia REPL:
Pkg.clone("[email protected]:LABSS/FileCache.jl.git")
The package provides a single function:
maybeload(f::Function, path::AbstractString)
If the timestamp of the file designated by path
has changed since the last time it was called, or if maybeload
has never been called for this file, it will return the result of f(path)
and cache that result. If the timestamp has not changed, it will return the cached result.
For example, to load a CSV file into a DataFrame, you can use it like this:
using FileCache
using CSV
df = maybeload(CSV.read, "path/to/my_data.csv")
Or, if you want to do something more involved:
df = maybeload("path/to/my_data.csv") do path
df = CSV.read(path)
# ...do some preprocessing on df...
If you want to force the reloading of a file, an easy way is to alter the timestamp before calling maybeload