This repository contains a python application that parses treebanks and converts them into the head vector format. It can also parse a file containing only head vectors and apply some basic filtering operations on those trees. This python application can be used via a Command Line Interface (CLI) and a Graphical User Interface (GUI). This uses LAL (the Linear Arrangement library).
This branch of treebank-parser uses the latest LAL.
The head vector format is very easy to understand: a single head vector can represent the underlying tree structure of a single syntactic dependency structure. It does so in the form of a vector of whole, non-negative numbers. In these vectors, every number occupies a position from 1
to n
(where n
is the number of vertices of the tree) and indicates the parent vertex for the vertex at the corresponding position. The number 0
represents the root of the tree (that is, the corresponding vertex has no parent); the other numbers represent the head (or parent) of the vertex at the corresponding position in the vector.
For example, the head vector
0 1 1 1 1 1 1
represents the simple structure of a star tree:
Those familiar with the Universal Dependencies format are already accostumed to dealing with heads. Consider the following phrase (taken from UD English).
# sent_id = n01002042
# text = The new spending is fueled by Clinton's large bank account.
1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 3 det 3:det _
2 new new ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 3 amod 3:amod _
3 spending spending NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 nsubj:pass 5:nsubj:pass _
4 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 5 aux:pass 5:aux:pass _
5 fueled fuel VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 0 root 0:root _
6 by by ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case _
7 Clinton Clinton PROPN NNP Number=Sing 11 nmod:poss 11:nmod:poss SpaceAfter=No
8 's 's PART POS _ 7 case 7:case _
9 large large ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 11 amod 11:amod _
10 bank bank NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 compound 11:compound _
11 account account NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 obl 5:obl:by SpaceAfter=No
12 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct 5:punct _
The head vector of this sentence can be found at the 7th column:
3 3 5 5 0 11 11 7 11 11 5 5
One way to visualize it is:
(figures made with IPE and the ipe.embedviz ipelet)
The application is built on (and thus, depends on) the Linear Arrangement library. The library must be installed on the system and Python should be able to find it in its path.
The GUI was designed with simplicity in mind. Here is a screenshot.
The usage can be read by clicking, on the menu bar, Help
> How to
. A small pop up window will show up on your screen with the following message:
How to use this GUI:
First, find the treebank input file (when working with a single treebank) or the
treebank collection main file (when working with a treebank collection) by using
the appropriate 'select' button to the right of the interface in the appropriate
tab. Then, select the output file or directory.
After this, select the correct format of the input treebank file. If the input
file is in CoNLL-U format, then choose 'CoNLL-U' in the dropdown button below
'Choose a format'. A list of actions will appear next to that button. Select
the action(s) you want to be performed on the treebank and then click 'Add'
so that it actually takes effect. The meaning of every actoin will appear if
you hover the mouse over them in a tooltip text. If any action needs a value
associated to it, the table next to it will indicate in its third column the
data type of the value (e.g., 'Integer'). Fill the cell in the second column
with an appropriate value of the corresponding data type. If an action does
not need a value, the third column will be empty
Once all the actions have been chosen, you can click 'Run' to actually transform
the input treebank file into a head vector file. Optionally, you can tell the
parser to use a debug compilation of the Linear Arrangement Library by checking
the checkbox 'Use lal'.
The GUI was built with PySide6. Anaconda users can install it with the following command (here are listed alternative ways of installing PySide6 with conda.)
$ conda install conda-forge::pyside6
users can run the following command in their command line terminal to install PySide6
$ pip3 install PySide6
Simply, run the gui/
file. For example, from the command line:
$ cd treebank-parser/
$ python3 gui/
The GUI loads the release distribution of LAL by default. To run it, run
$ cd treebank-parser/
$ python3 gui/
To make the GUI load the debug distribution, run
$ cd treebank-parser/
$ python3 gui/ --lal
The usage of the CLI is explained by examples.
In the following examples, the input file is always the CoNLL-U
-formatted file catalan.conllu
, and the output file is always catalan.heads
. Notice that the order of the parameters is important! The treebank format keyword (e.g. CoNLL-U
) must go after the parameters of the treebank parser program (in the examples, -i
and -o
) and before the preprocessing flags (in the examples, --RemovePunctuationMarks
and --RemoveFunctionWords
Convert the input treebank file into head vectors
$ python3 cli/ -i catalan.conllu -o catalan.heads CoNLL-U
Remove punctuation marks from the sentences in the input treebank file
$ python3 cli/ -i catalan.conllu -o catalan.heads CoNLL-U --RemovePunctuationMarks
Remove function words from the sentences in the input treebank file
$ python3 cli/ -i catalan.conllu -o catalan.heads CoNLL-U --RemoveFunctionWords
Remove function words AND punctuation marks from the sentences in the input treebank file
$ python3 cli/ -i catalan.conllu -o catalan.heads CoNLL-U --RemoveFunctionWords --RemovePunctuationMarks
Required parameters:
When processing a single treebank:
-i input, --input-treebank-file input
: specifies the input treebank file that is to be parsed.-o outfile, --output outfile
: specifies the name of the output file, namely, the file that will contain the result of parsing the treebank.
When processing a treebank collection
-t input, --input-treebank-collection input
: specifies the input treebank collection main file that is to be parsed.-o directory, --output directory
: specifies the name of the output directory, namely, the directory where the head vector files will be stored.
Format parameters:
: parse a CoNLL-U-formatted file.Head-Vector
: parse a head-vector-formatted file.
Optional interesting parameters:
-c, --consistency-in-sentences
: When processing a treebank collection, a sentence of a treebank will not be written to the output if the equivalent sentence in another treebank is discarded.--lal
: execute the program using the debug compilation of LAL.--verbose l
: set the level of verbosity of the program; the higher the value, the more messages the application will output. These messages are of X kinds:CRITICAL
error messages (always displayed),ERROR
messages (always displayed),WARNING
messages (displayed atl >= 1
messages (displayed atl >= 2
messages (displayed atl >= 3
All the parameters that the application needs can be queried using the --help
parameter. The output is the following:
usage: [-h] (-i input_treebank_file | -t input_treebank_collection) [-c] -o output
[--verbose VERBOSE] [--lal] [--quiet]
{CoNLL-U,Stanford,Head-Vector} ...
Parse a treebank file and extract the sentences as head vectors. The format of the treebank file is
specified with a positional parameter (see the list of positional arguments within "{}" below).
positional arguments:
Choose a format command for the input treebank file.
CoNLL-U Command to parse a CoNLL-U-formatted file. For further information on this
format's detailed specification, see
Stanford Command to parse a Stanford-formatted file. For further information on this
format's detailed specification, see
Head-Vector Command to parse a head vector-formatted file. For further information on this
format's detailed specification, see
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i input_treebank_file, --input-treebank-file input_treebank_file
Name of the input treebank file to be parsed.
-t input_treebank_collection, --input-treebank-collection input_treebank_collection
Name of the input treebank collection to be parsed.
-c, --consistency-in-sentences
When processing a treebank collection, a sentence of a treebank will not be
written to the output if the equivalent sentence in another treebank is
-o output, --output output
If a single treebank file was passed, this is the name of the output .heads
file. If a treebank collection was passed, this is the output directory.
--verbose VERBOSE Output logging messages showing the progress of the script. The higher the
debugging level the more messages will be displayed. Default level: 0 --
display only 'error' and 'critical' messages. Debugging levels: * 1 -- messages
from 0 plus 'warning' messages; * 2 -- messages from 1 plus 'info' messages; *
3 -- messages from 2 plus 'debug' messages;
--lal Use the debug compilation of LAL ('import lal'). The script will run more
slowly, but errors will be more likely to be caught. Default: 'import
laloptimized as lal'.
--quiet Disable non-logging messages.
All the parameters accepted by the CoNLL-U format parser are documented here.
All the parameters accepted by the Stanford format parser are documented here.
All the parameters accepted by the "head vector" format parser are documented here.