A simple model for jet quenching in Heavy-Ion Collisions
The ezQuench package consists of a set of python routines that fit a simple model for jet energy-loss (jet-quenching) in heavy-ion collisions measured by experiments at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The routines currently perform a set of Bayesian calibrations to jet nuclear modification factors measured by the ATLAS collaboration for Pb-Pb collisions at the nucleon-nucleon center of mass energy of 5.02 TeV. This software package serves as the companion code to https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.03724 and can be used to generate all results and figures found therein.
- src - all python source code
- h5 - input data files and trento config file to generate h5 input
- fig - figures created by Plotting routines
This analyses requires installing and building the TRENTO code from https://github.com/Duke-QCD/trento to generate the 2D initial state geometry for heavy-ion collisions.
The following 5 analysis routines will generate all physics results:
- ezQ_ppJet.py - use scipy.optimize to fit ATLAS pp-Jet cross-sections data from https://doi.org/10.17182/hepdata.84819 table 4
- ezQ_fitRAA.py - use emcee package to perform Bayesian calibration of simple jet-quench model to ATLAS central jet-RAA data from https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.107.054909
- ezQ_trentoPaths.py - reads in TRENTO 2D grid from h5-folder to calculate path length for dijet pairs
- ezQ_fitTrentoRAA.py - use emcee to perform Bayesian calibration for jet-RAA over all centralities
- ezQ_helper.py - log-likelihood and other fit functions for the simple jet-quenching model
The following 5 files are used to plot figures in the paper
- ezQ_plotRAA.py - plot results of Bayesian fit to central jet-RAA
- ezQ_plotQuench.py - plot jet-quench distributions for simple model
- ezQ_plotCorner.py - make corner plots for Bayesian fit to central jet-RAA
- ezQ_plotTrentoRAA.py - plot results of Bayesian fit to jet-RAA for all collision centralities
- ezQ_plotPPP.py - plot joint probability distributions for Peele's Pertinent Puzzle
ATLAS_data.h5 - contains all jet-RAA data and errors for ATLAS ALICE_CMS_data.h5 - contains all jet-RAA data and errors for ATLAS and CMS trento_PbPb_10k_h5.config - config file used to generate 10,000 TRENTO minimum bias PbPb events
This code has been approved for release by LLNL as LLNL-CODE-2001499, and is released under the MIT License.