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add custom binning, and add file caching
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yomori committed Aug 5, 2024
1 parent 1a63106 commit a03c421
Showing 1 changed file with 66 additions and 25 deletions.
91 changes: 66 additions & 25 deletions txpipe/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -789,7 +789,8 @@ class TXShearBmode(PipelineStage):
("twopoint_data_real_raw", SACCFile),

outputs = [("twopoint_data_fourier_pureB", SACCFile)]
outputs = [("twopoint_data_fourier_shearbmode", SACCFile),

config_options = {
'method' : 'hybrideb',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -835,9 +836,14 @@ def run_namaster(self,purify_b):
import pymaster as nmt
import healpy as hp
from tqdm import tqdm
import pickle

lmin = self.config['lmin']
lmax = self.config['lmax']
Nell = self.config['Nell']
Nsims = self.config["Nsims"]
lspacing = self.config['lspacing']

if purify_b:
print("WARNING: Namaster's B-mode purification requires the mask to be heavily apodized.")
Expand All @@ -846,40 +852,71 @@ def run_namaster(self,purify_b):

# Open source maps (g1,g2,weights)
with self.open_input("source_maps", wrapper=True) as f:
nbin_source = f.file["maps"].attrs["nbin_source"]
g1_maps = [f.read_map(f"g1_{b}") for b in range(nbin_source)]
g2_maps = [f.read_map(f"g2_{b}") for b in range(nbin_source)]

# Get the number of tomographic bins
# +1 comes from also loading the non-tomographic sample
nbin_source = f.file["maps"].attrs["nbin_source"]+1

# Load the tomographic samples
g1_maps = [f.read_map(f"g1_{b}") for b in range(nbin_source-1)]
g2_maps = [f.read_map(f"g2_{b}") for b in range(nbin_source-1)]

# Load non-tomographic sample

if lmax>3*hp.npix2nside(len(g1_maps[0])):
raise ValueError("lmax must be smaller than 3*nside")

# Open mask
with self.open_input("mask", wrapper=True) as f:
mask = f.read_map("mask")
mask = f.read_map("mask")

# Define binning
b = nmt.NmtBin.from_nside_linear(hp.npix2nside(mask.shape[0]), Nell)
if lspacing=='lin':
bine = np.linspace(lmin+1, lmax+1, Nell+1, dtype=np.int64)
elif lspacing=='log':
bine = np.geomspace(lmin+1, lmax+1, Nell+1, dtype=np.int64)
raise ValueError("lspacing must be either 'log' or 'lin'")

b = nmt.NmtBin.from_edges(bine[:-1], bine[1:])

# Initialize the fields
fields = {}
for i in range(nbin_source):
fields[i] = nmt.NmtField(mask, [g1_maps[i], g2_maps[i]], purify_e=False, purify_b=purify_b)
fields[i] = nmt.NmtField(mask, [g1_maps[i], g2_maps[i]], purify_e=False, purify_b=purify_b,lmax=lmax)

# To speed the covariance calculation up, one can use multiple nodes to do this calculation externally
products_dict = {'mask':mask,'Nell':Nell,'nbin_source':nbin_source, 'g1_maps': g1_maps, 'g2_maps': g2_maps}

file_namaster_intermediate = self.get_output("twopoint_data_fourier_shearbmode")[:-5]+ f"_namaster.pkl"

with open(file_namaster_intermediate, 'wb') as handle:
pickle.dump(products_dict, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

# Compute Cls and store them in dictionrary

for zi in range(nbin_source):
for zj in range(zi,nbin_source):

field1 = fields[zi]
field2 = fields[zj]
w_yp = nmt.NmtWorkspace()
w_yp.compute_coupling_matrix(field1, field2, b)

cl_coupled = nmt.compute_coupled_cell(field1,field2)
cl_decoupled = w_yp.decouple_cell(cl_coupled)
ret[zj,zi,:]= cl_decoupled[3]

# Compute covariance in a somewhat adhoc way by shuffling the pixel values.

if zi!=zj and (zi==nbin_source-1 or zj==nbin_source-1):
# No need to take cross-correlation between tomographic and non-tomographic sample
field1 = fields[zi]
field2 = fields[zj]
w_yp = nmt.NmtWorkspace()
w_yp.compute_coupling_matrix(field1, field2, b)

cl_coupled = nmt.compute_coupled_cell(field1,field2)
cl_decoupled = w_yp.decouple_cell(cl_coupled)
ret[zj,zi,:]= cl_decoupled[3]

# Compute covariance by randomly rotating shear values in pixels.
tmparr = np.zeros((int(nbin_source*(nbin_source+1)/2*len(b.get_effective_ells())),Nsims))

for k in tqdm(range(Nsims)):
Expand All @@ -891,7 +928,7 @@ def run_namaster(self,purify_b):
g1_maps[i][idx] = g1_maps[i][idx]*np.cos(2*psi) + g2_maps[i][idx]*np.sin(2*psi)
g2_maps[i][idx] = -g1_maps[i][idx]*np.sin(2*psi) + g2_maps[i][idx]*np.cos(2*psi)

fields[i] = nmt.NmtField(mask, [g1_maps[i], g2_maps[i]], purify_e=False, purify_b=purify_b)
fields[i] = nmt.NmtField(mask, [g1_maps[i], g2_maps[i]], purify_e=False, purify_b=purify_b, lmax=lmax)

tmp = np.array([])
for zi in range(nbin_source):
Expand All @@ -909,8 +946,8 @@ def run_namaster(self,purify_b):
tmparr[:,k] = tmp

n_bins = b.get_n_bands()
bin_weights = np.zeros([n_bins, b.lmax])

bin_weights = np.zeros([n_bins, b.lmax+1])
for i in range(n_bins):
bin_weights[i, b.get_ell_list(i)] = b.get_weight_list(i)

Expand All @@ -919,7 +956,7 @@ def run_namaster(self,purify_b):
results = ret
cov = np.cov(tmparr)

print('Saving pureB Cls in sacc file')
print('Saving ShearBmode Cls in sacc file')
self.save_power_spectra(nbin_source, ell, results, cov)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1069,8 +1106,12 @@ def save_power_spectra(self, nbin_source, ell, results, cov):

with self.open_input("shear_photoz_stack", wrapper=True) as f:
for i in range(nbin_source):
z, Nz = f.get_bin_n_of_z(i)
S.add_tracer("NZ", f"source_{i}", z, Nz)
if i==nbin_source-1:
z,Nz = f.get_2d_n_of_z()
S.add_tracer("NZ", f"source_{i}", z, Nz)
z, Nz = f.get_bin_n_of_z(i)
S.add_tracer("NZ", f"source_{i}", z, Nz)

for zi in range(0,nbin_source):
for zj in range(zi,nbin_source):
Expand All @@ -1084,7 +1125,7 @@ def save_power_spectra(self, nbin_source, ell, results, cov):


output_filename = self.get_output("twopoint_data_fourier_pureB")
output_filename = self.get_output("twopoint_data_fourier_shearbmode")
S.save_fits(output_filename, overwrite=True)

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