A set of python scripts to display results of the Survey Strategy Support pipeline (sn_pipe)
This software was developed within the LSST DESC using LSST DESC resources, and so meets the criteria
given in, and is bound by, the LSST DESC Publication Policy for being a "DESC product".
We welcome requests to access code for non-DESC use; if you wish to use the code outside DESC please contact the developers.
Release | Date | packages |
v1.0.0 | 2020/07/15 | sn_plotter_fitlc_v1.0.0,sn_plotter_metrics_v1.0.0,sn_plotter_simu_v1.0.0 |
If you have comments, suggestions or questions, please write us an issue.
This is open source software, available for re-use under the modified BSD license.
Copyright (c) 2020, the sn_plotters contributors on GitHub, https://github.com/LSSTDESC/sn_plotters/graphs/contributors.
All rights reserved.
- docs
- __init__.py
- version.py: package version
- setup.py
- sn_plotter_fitlc : set of scripts to plot results from fit
- sn_plotter_simu : set of scripts to plot results from simulation
- sn_plotter_metrics : set of scripts to plot results from metrics
- README.md : this readme
|-- docs
| |-- api
| | |-- sn_plotter_fitlc.fitlcPlot.rst
| | |-- sn_plotter_fitlc.rst
| | |-- sn_plotter_metrics.cadencePlot.rst
| | |-- sn_plotter_metrics.globalPlot.rst
| | |-- sn_plotter_metrics.nsnPlot.rst
| | |-- sn_plotter_metrics.rst
| | |-- sn_plotter_metrics.snrPlot.rst
| | |-- sn_plotter_simu.rst
| | |-- sn_plotter_simu.simuPlot.rst
| |-- conf.py
| |-- index.rst
| |-- make.bat
| |-- Makefile
|-- __init__.py
|-- version.py
|-- README.md
|-- setup.py
|-- sn_plotter_fitlc
| |-- fitlcPlot.py
| |-- __init__.py
| |-- version.py
|-- sn_plotter_metrics
| |-- cadencePlot.py
| |-- globalPlot.py
| |-- __init__.py
| |-- nsnPlot.py
| |-- snrPlot.py
| |-- version.py
|-- sn_plotter_simu
|-- __init__.py
|-- simuPlot.py
|-- version.py