**[Car-BnB-API]**This is a car dealership app where a person can reserve a car or add a car.
The Team has four members;
- [Home page with images of cars and some details]
- [Details page with an image of a specific car and some details]
- [Reservation page where a user can reserve a car]
- [My reservations page where a user can see all his/her reserved cars]
- [Delete page where a user can delete a car]
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- A code editor ( VScode...).
To setup the project locally: clone the repository using:
### Install
run: `rails db:create`
run: `rails db:migrate`
run: `rails server`
### Usage
### Run tests
run: rspec
<p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>
### API
- to get a list of cars and their details
- to add users
- to add reservations
to get random greetings from the frontend follow the follwing steps:
git clone https://github.com/Ogaga01/Car-BnB-API.git
cd Car-BnB-API
npm install
npm start
👤 Felix Sowah
- GitHub: @Felix Sowah
- Twitter: @Felix Sowah
- LinkedIn: @Felix Sowah
👤 Ogaga Iyara
- GitHub: @Ogaga Iyara
- Twitter: @Ogaga Iyara
- LinkedIn: @Ogaga Iyara
👤 Shakir Hussain
- GitHub: @Shakir Hussain
- Twitter: @Shakir Hussain
- LinkedIn: @Shakir Hussain
👤 Ellon Mordecai
- GitHub: @Shakir Hussain
- Twitter: @Shakir Hussain
- LinkedIn: @Shakir Hussain
- [Create Payment System]
CContributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!.
- We are grateful to our families for the support they have given us during the development of this wonderful project.
- We will like to thank the microverse community for their support.
- Link to KanBan Board
- Link to Initial KanBan State
This project is MIT licensed.