This project was amazing journey to 3d graphics and it was so much fun to do it. I learned a lot and I tried to do this as well as possible and make it look good! Now I made project by trigonometry calculation but next time I am going to do this kind of thing with transformation matrix and I am waiting to learn that! This project was also a good lesson to structs and handeling data in bigger programs.
How to install;
clone repository to your mac (I haven't tried this on windows or linux) go to directory and type make bonus (or make for light version) if it errors try to comment out HBFLAGS line in Makefile by typing # in front of it
type ./fdf test_maps/42.fdf (there is also a lot of other maps in test_maps directory)
active keys
rotate picture W, A, S, D, Q, E move picture arrow keys change moving direction end change view P change altitude +, - change size mouse wheel old screensaver press space continuously