Using Latipay sdk to intergrate Alipay and Wechat pay mobile app payment solution. Alipay or Wechat app is required.
If you don't want to use this SDK, an alternative method of intergrating Latipay is to use this doc by yourself.
- user id
- wallet id
- api key
- wechat app id
- alipay or wechat app installed
- The signature depends on keystore and app bundle id. So please setup your keystore first for your project Sign Your App.
- Run this apk in your android phone.
- Generate your the signature with bundle id.
- Add this signature into your Wechat Open Platform for your android app.
2. Download latipay.aar module and import it into your android studio project.
Android Studio: File > New > New Module
Put alipaysdk- under your project module's libs folder. e.g. if your project module name is app
Add these three dependencies in build.gradle
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
dependencies {
implementation (name: 'alipaysdk-', ext: 'aar')
implementation ''
implementation project(':latipay')
In your AndroidManifest.xml, please add this activity and it's alias for opening Wechat app.
<package android:name="" />
<package android:name="" />
<application ...>
android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" />
android:targetActivity="" />
Note that the class .wxapi.WXPayEntryActivity
in activity-alias
is under applicationId, rather than package. So if your applicationId is different from package name, please specify the class name with applicationId.
defaultConfig {
applicationId ""
3. Setup Latipay info in project, you can get apiKey here or contact us
LatipayAPI.setup("your apiKey", "your userId", "your walletId");
AlipayRequest req = new AlipayRequest(this);
req.amount = "8.88";
req.merchantReference = "89439798527864287364"; //must be unique in your system
req.productName = "Fossil Women's Rose Goldtone Blane Watch"; //optional
req.callbackUrl = "";
req.setListener(new LatipayListener() {
public void onTransactionCompleted(HashMap<String, String> transaction, Error error) {
//1. create a latipay transaction which is pending, the status is PENDING.
public void onPaymentCompleted(int result) {
//2. then alipay app will tell you the result of payment, the status could be PAID, UNPAID, or NEED_QUERY_SERVER
//If it's NEED_QUERY_SERVER, please query from your own server.
WechatpayRequest req = new WechatpayRequest(this);
req.amount = "8.88";
req.merchantReference = "1239127391273213132"; //must be unique in your system
req.productName = "Fossil Women's Rose Goldtone Blane Watch"; //optional
req.callbackUrl = "";
req.setListener(new LatipayListener() {
public void onTransactionCompleted(HashMap<String, String> transaction, Error error) {
//1. create a latipay transaction, the status is PENDING.
public void onPaymentCompleted(int result) {
//2. then wechat app will tell you the result of payment, the status could be PAID, UNPAID, or NEED_QUERY_SERVER
//If it's NEED_QUERY_SERVER, please query from your own server.
6. Please support the callbackUrl
in AlipayRequest and WechatpayRequest for receiving the result of payment in your backend server. Latipay server will call this api to notify the result when status updated.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
"transaction_id": "43cb917ff8a6",
"merchant_reference": "dsi39ej430sks03",
"amount": "120.00",
"currency": "NZD",
"payment_method": "alipay",
"pay_time": "2017-07-07 10:53:50",
"status" : "paid",
"signature": "14d5b06a2a5a2ec509a148277ed4cbeb3c43301b239f080a3467ff0aba4070e3",