Using Latipay sdk to intergrate Alipay and Wechatpay payment solution. Alipay or Wechat app is required. Please run this demo on a device rather than simulator.
If you don't want to use this SDK, an alternative method of intergrating Latipay is using this api doc by yourself.
- user id
- wallet id
- api key
- alipay app installed
- user id
- wallet id
- api key
- enable iOS deeplink
- wechat app id, set wechat universal link (deeplink) in advance how to set?
- wechat app installed
download Latipay framework in this demo and drag it into your project
add the following Launch Services Key into info.plist;
<key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key> <array> <string>alipay</string> <string>weixin</string> <string>weixinULAPI</string> </array>
set your wechat app id as a scheme for wechatpay
set a scheme for alipay, with the format of latipay$wallet_id, e.g. latipayW00000001
enable Associated Domains for App ID Configuration in apple developer website
enable iOS deeplink: add deeplink configuration file(apple-app-site-association) in your server(e.g. and make sure it can be loaded as
{ "webcredentials": { "apps": ["your_ios_app_teamId.your_ios_app_bundleId"] }, "applinks": { "apps": [], "details": [ { "appID": "your_ios_app_teamId.your_ios_app_bundleId", "paths": ["/app/*"] } ] } }
set universal link(e.g. in your wechat app
This way can help you to check your account and project setup correctness, but is not recommended in production for protecting your account information. In production, please make a transaction in your own back-end server first Latipay Transaction Interface, and then call another method from this SDK.
Setup Latipay account info
LatipaySDK.setup( withApiKey: "XXXXXX", userId: "XXXXXX", walletId: "XXXXXX", wechatUniversalLink: "" )
launch wechat or alipay app to make payment
let para = [ "payment_method": "alipay", //wechat "amount": "0.01", "merchant_reference":"12312-12312312", //must be unique in your system "product_name": "Fossil Women's Rose Goldtone Blane Watch", //optional "callback_url": "" ] { (result, error) in // paymentId for check later }
make a transaction in your back-end server. Latipay Transaction Interface
launch wechat or alipay app to make payment with data (host_url, nonce) responded from the about api.
//both wechat and alipay withHost: host_url, nonce: nonce, wechatUniversalLink: "" ) { (result, error) in //the payment status is pending }
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL,
options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
LatipaySDK.processPaymentResult(with: url) { (result) in
//save orderId and status into server
if (status == .paid) {
}else if (status == .unpaid) {
}else {
//please query the result from your own server.
return true
Please setup iOS deeplink in advance.
func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
LatipaySDK.processPaymentResult(with: userActivity) { (result) in
//save orderId and status into server
if (status == .paid) {
}else if (status == .unpaid) {
}else {
//please query the result from your own server.
6. When calling, please set the callback_url
for receiving the result of payment in your backend server. Latipay will notify your webserver the result through this api.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
"transaction_id": "43cb917ff8a6",
"merchant_reference": "dsi39ej430sks03",
"amount": "120.00",
"currency": "NZD",
"payment_method": "alipay",
"pay_time": "2017-07-07 10:53:50",
"status" : "paid",
"signature": "14d5b06a2a5a2ec509a148277ed4cbeb3c43301b239f080a3467ff0aba4070e3",