In diesem Projekt soll eine Web-Applikation mit folgendem Zweck entwickelt werden:
Betreiber von Gewächshäusern sollen über eine Weboberfläche Daten zu ihrem Betrieb erfassen können. Damit soll eine vereinfachte Ermittlung betrieblicher Ressourceneffizienz in Bezug auf CO2 und Wasser sowie eine Einordnung des Wasserverbrauchs anhand eines Benchmark-Systems im Vergleich zu anderen Betrieben möglich sein.
In order to develop this project, you need to have Node.js and Python installed.
Getting Python:
- Anaconda Distribution: Download here
- Standard Python: Download here
Getting Node.js:
- Node.js: Download here
Navigate to a local folder and type
git clone
A virtual environment for python ensures a synchronized development environment across all members of this project. The project uses Python 3.9.
1. Make sure you have conda available, otherwise download it here
2. Open a command prompt with conda available on your PATH or an anaconda prompt
3. Navigate to your project folder
cd path/to/your/benchmark-system-gb
4. Create the virtual environment using conda
conda env create --file environment.yml
5. Make the environment available to your IDE
This step depends on your specific IDE, but if you are using PyCharm,
look at step 3 of this article
and choose "Existing environment". Your newly created conda-environment should be
located at path/to/conda/installation/envs/benchmark-system-gb/
, where you
should find the python.exe
to select in PyCharm.
Alternatively, you can activate the environment for a command or conda prompt session using:
conda activate benchmark-system-gb
You must not leave the session before running the python command from 5. in your prompt.
Just follow the steps here to set up a conda virtual environment using the environment.yml file.
You can create a virtual environment in PyCharm without using conda by following these steps. This approach uses the requirements.txt file to install the python dependencies. You have to keep track on the correct python version yourself.
To install the dependencies for Node.js, execute the commands:
cd path/to/benchmark-system-gb/frontend
npm install
By this point you should be able to run the development server using:
cd path/to/benchmark-system-gb
python runserver
and in a separate command prompt:
cd path/to/benchmark-system-gb/frontend
npm run dev
Make sure that these things are set in your IDE:
- line seperator/ line ending = CRLF
- tab size = 4 spaces
- encoding = UTF-8
- Python Version = 3.9
Please configure your git instance before developing the project:
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "[email protected]"
If you want to develop parts of this project, first create a new branch from dev:
git checkout dev
git checkout -b <new branch name>
git push --set-upstream origin <new branch name>
Then develop the project on this new branch before creating a merge request in GitLab to merge your branch into the dev branch again. Please ensure that your code is working by merging the dev branch into your branch before asking for a merge. Especially, if there are commits on the dev branch after you created your new branch.
First ensure, that you are working on your new branch:
git checkout <your new branch>
Then, merge the dev branch into your new branch:
git merge dev
If the merged version runs without conflicts, merge your changes into dev by creating a merge request in GitLab.