This brief Python module has example of code used to understand dependency parsers, in this case the one provided by spaCy
A description of the main functions can be found in the wiki of this repository, organized by assignment.
This Python project requires the following:
- spaCy which is an open-source software library for Natural Language Processing
- random a python module that implements pseudo-random number generators
- assignment_module_1 which is the python file that implements the assignment 1.
- assignment_module_2 which is the python file that implements the assignment 2.
- conll script Is necessary in order to properly execute functions in assignment_module_2
spaCy: We advise referring to the official documentation regarding proper installation here.
random: It is a module present within the Python Standard Library and, therefore, should be present in all standard installation of Python.
assignment_modules: It is necessary to download this project and extract it inside your project folder.
conll script: Already provided by this repository.