This repo is the base for the League's Python environment for devcontainers. You can use this as the base for
new repos, but generally it is better to use the config .devcontainer/devcontainer-base.json
which uses the prebuild image from this repo.
Prebuilding the container will result in much faster start-up times for the container.
- Get an access token from the jointheleague-it account, with the package permissions. See this guide for details.
- Store the token for future use, here is it
but it can be any env var. - Login to the GH Container Registry:
echo $GITHUB_TOKEN | docker login -u jointheleague-it --password-stdin
- Read the brief guide to prebuilding. Be sure to install the decvontainer program with npm.
- Build the container
- Push it to container registry.
# Install
npm install -g @devcontainers/cli
# Go to the workspace.
cd <workspace, with a .devcontainer>
# Build
devcontainer build --workspace-folder . --image-name$IMAGE_NAME
#Login to container registry
echo $GITHUB_TOKEN | docker login -u jointheleague-it --password-stdin
# Push
docker push$IMAGE_NAME
The package will be in the packages tab of the [League-Infrastructure]( repo,