ExpeL: LLM Agents are Experiential Learners |
β‘ [AAAI 2024 (Oral)] Official implementation of the ExpeL Agent β‘
~ by Andrew Zhao, Daniel Huang, Quentin Xu, Matthieu Lin, Yong-Jin Liu, Gao Huang ~
π $\cdot$ Project Page β π $\cdot$ Paper
"A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E." - Tom Mitchell
This repo is the official implementation of Expel: LLM Agents are Experiential Learners.
Our agent autonomously gathers experiences and extracts knowledge using natural language from a collection of training tasks. At inference, the agent recalls its extracted insights and past experiences to make informed decisions. Our empirical results highlight the robust learning efficacy of the ExpeL agent, indicating a consistent enhancement in its performance as it accumulates experiences.
Python version : 3.9.17
- Create a virtual environment using Anaconda (or your favorite package manager), activate it, clone the repo and install the requirements.
conda create -n expel python=3.9.17
conda activate expel
git clone https://github.com/LeapLabTHU/ExpeL.git expel
cd expel
pip install -r requirements.txt
Next you need to setup the environments.
Baby ExpeL has been playing around with the following environments:
Among these, ALFWorld and WebShop require manual installation (+ loading a server (can be local) for WebShop). Details below:
The installation instructions are shown below. Use the previously created environment to install ALFWorld.
You will also need to download the data at the specified location: data/alfworld
conda activate expel
pip install alfworld[full]
export ALFWORLD_DATA="data/alfworld"
If you need more details, please refer to the official repo.
WebShop installation is different from the other environments. You will have to install it and manually run the server (can be local) in parallel of ExpeL to interact with the environment. The succinct installation instructions are shown below.
git clone https://github.com/princeton-nlp/webshop.git webshop
cd webshop
# Create another env for the webshop server to avoid conflicts
conda create -n webshop python=3.8.13
conda activate webshop
./setup.sh -d all
By default the WebShop only loads 1,000 products. But we need ALL OF THEM (π€―). So change web_agent_site/utils.py
# DEFAULT_ATTR_PATH = join(BASE_DIR, '../data/items_ins_v2_1000.json')
# DEFAULT_FILE_PATH = join(BASE_DIR, '../data/items_shuffle_1000.json')
DEFAULT_ATTR_PATH = join(BASE_DIR, '../data/items_ins_v2.json')
DEFAULT_FILE_PATH = join(BASE_DIR, '../data/items_shuffle.json')
To run the server, run the following command:
You will be given an URL (and port) once the website is on:
- Go back to the cloned ExpeL repo
- Modify the config file and add the given URL in
WEBSHOP_URL = "" # Example URL
Note that you will have to run the WebShop server in the background to interact with the environment. We gathered some bugs we encountered during the WebShop Server setup here.
If you need more details, please refer to the official repo.
Below are the commands to run the ExpeL Agent.
Either put your OpenAI API key in a .env
file (OPENAI_API_KEY=XXX) or get prompted in command line
python train.py benchmark=<benchmark-name> \
run_name=<train-run-name> \
testing=false \
# resume = true/false if you want to resume a previous run
# benchmark = {hotpotqa, alfworld, webshop, fever}
# agent.llm = {gpt-3.5-turbo (default), gpt-4}
Below are the commands to run the experience gathering stage as in the paper:
# π ALFWorld
python train.py benchmark=alfworld run_name=<train-run-name> testing=false resume=false
# π WebShop
python train.py benchmark=webshop run_name=<train-run-name> testing=false resume=false
# β HotpotQA
python train.py benchmark=hotpotqa run_name=<train-run-name> testing=false resume=false
By default, the result files (logs, dictionnaries) will be saved in logs/<benchmark-name>/expel
referenced by <train-run-name>
. You can change the log directory by adding log_dir=<log-dir>
to the command line.
Use the collected experiences to extract insights.
python insight_extraction.py \
benchmark=<benchmark-name> \
load_run_name=<train-run-name> \
run_name=<insights-extraction-run-name> \
agent.llm=<model> \
agent.max_num_rules=<insights-num> \
agent.success_critique_num=<exp-num> \
testing=true \
# agent.success_critique_num = number of experiences to give per iteration
# agent.max_num_rules = target number of insights to extract
To resume a run that stopped at a specific fold, remove load_run_name
from the parameters and specify the fold resume_fold
it stopped at and resume=true
Below are the commands to run the insights extraction stage as in the paper:
# π ALFWorld
python insight_extraction.py benchmark=alfworld load_run_name=<train-run-name> run_name=<insights-extraction-run-name> agent.llm=gpt-4 agent.max_num_rules=10 agent.success_critique_num=8 testing=false resume=false
# π WebShop
python insight_extraction.py benchmark=webshop load_run_name=<train-run-name> run_name=<insights-extraction-run-name> agent.llm=gpt-4 agent.max_num_rules=8 agent.success_critique_num=4 testing=false resume=false
# β HotpotQA
python insight_extraction.py benchmark=hotpotqa load_run_name=<train-run-name> run_name=<insights-extraction-run-name> agent.llm=gpt-4 agent.max_num_rules=10 agent.success_critique_num=8 testing=false resume=false
The final result files will be saved in logs/<benchmark-name>/expel/extracted_insights
referenced by <insights-extraction-run-name>
python eval.py benchmark=<benchmark-name> \
load_run_name=extracted_insights/<insights-extraction-run-name> \
run_name=<eval-run-name> \
benchmark.eval_configs.k_folds=<fold-num> \
agent.fewshot_strategy=task_similarity \
agent.retrieval_kwargs.max_fewshot_tokens= <max-retrieval-token-size> \
agent.retrieval_kwargs.buffer_retrieve_ratio = <retrieve_multiplier-coefficient> \
testing=false \
# agent.fewshot_strategy = {task_similarity, thought_similarity,task_thought_similarity)
# agent.llm = {gpt-3.5-turbo (default), gpt-4}
# agent.retrieval_kwargs.max_fewshot_tokens=auto
# benchmark.eval_configs.k_folds=2
# agent.retrieval_kwargs.buffer_retrieve_ratio = safety measure to not retrieve 0 examples (bigger is safer)
To resume a run that stopped, remove load_run_name
from the parameters and add resume=true
at the end of the command line.
Below are the commands to evalute ExpeL as in the paper:
# π ALFWorld
python eval.py benchmark=alfworld load_run_name=extracted_insights/<insights-extraction-run-name> run_name=<eval-run-name> agent.fewshot_strategy=task_similarity agent.retrieval_kwargs.max_fewshot_tokens=auto testing=false resume=false
# π WebShop
python eval.py benchmark=webshop load_run_name=extracted_insights/<insights-extraction-run-name> run_name=<eval-run-name> agent.fewshot_strategy=task_similarity agent.retrieval_kwargs.max_fewshot_tokens=auto agent.retrieval_kwargs.buffer_retrieve_ratio=20 testing=false resume=false
# β HotpotQA
python eval.py benchmark=hotpotqa load_run_name=extracted_insights/<insights-extraction-run-name> run_name=<eval-run-name> agent.fewshot_strategy=task_similarity testing=false resume=false
The result files will be saved in logs/<benchmark-name>/expel/eval
referenced by <eval-run-name>
This repository contains code for reproducing results. If you find this work useful in your research (and/or daily life), please cite:
author = {Andrew Zhao and Daniel Huang and Quentin Xu and Matthieu Lin and Yong-Jin Liu and Gao Huang},
title = {ExpeL: LLM Agents Are Experiential Learners},
booktitle = {Thirty-Eighth {AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence, {AAAI}
2024, Thirty-Sixth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial
Intelligence, {IAAI} 2024, Fourteenth Symposium on Educational Advances
in Artificial Intelligence, {EAAI} 2024, February 20-27, 2024, Vancouver,
editor = {Michael J. Wooldridge and Jennifer G. Dy and Sriraam Natarajan},
year = {2024},
pages = {19632--19642},
publisher = {{AAAI} Press},
url = {https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AAAI/article/view/29936},
doi = {10.1609/aaai.v38i17.29936}
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Andrew Zhao, Daniel Huang or Quentin Xu.
Check LICENSE.md
We encountered some errors and gathered them here (note that at time of reading, they might have been fixed). If you don't encountered them, lucky you π.
π WebShop-server installation:
# install
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg #
pip install lightgbm nmslib # need to have c compiler and stuff
conda install mkl # if ImportError: libmkl_intel_lp64.so.1:
pip install pysernini
pip install pyserini --no-cache-dir # if low on ram
pip install typing-inspect==0.8.0 typing_extensions==4.5.0 # if issubclass errors
# if libjvm.so something, need to export JAVA_HOME
./setup.sh -d all
On Mac, if you have problem with lightgbm or nmslib you might have to replace their pip to:
brew install cmake libomp
pip install lightgbm
CFLAGS="-mavx -DWARN(a)=(a)" pip install --use-pep517 nmslib