On Puma webserver:
start with
puma or rackup -s Puma
and access at
With auto-loading:
INSTALLED rerun gem (not on gemfile as only need locally)
rerun 'rackup -s Puma' --background alexch/rerun#88
Pry binding.pry - start pry exit - exit single pry loop disable-pry - cancel all pry
Generate a model
padrino-gen model dailyscore average:float date:datetime express:float independent:float guardian:float telegraph:float mail:float times:float
Destroy a model
padrino g model DailyScore -d
To DO:
use pg-dump tool to copy over local pg db to online heroku db, which is currently only having today's data
save cron jobs to AR
remove old DB data
show only average on chart, with hover from individual data (initially v low paper opacity)
add words to afinn / wiebe if they do not have one or the other (with similar level of +/-)
AR tips:
get word analysis scores word.get_all_word_scores or with writing to CV word.get_all_word_scores(options = {:write => true})
TO DO - separate out SCORE saving from STORY saving TO DO - deal with hyphenated horrors like "double-murder" (seek out hyphens-split that produce two valid strings) - also this method will work for apostrophes, need dedicated string methods