A no ser que se especifique lo contrario, los archivos mencionados deben existir en el mismo directorio que get_keywords_and_ads_reports_in_parallel.py
: Contiene las credenciales necesarias para autenticarse ante los servicios del Google Ads API.database.json
: Contiene las credenciales necesarias para autenticarse ante la database Oracle SQL Server.instantclient_21_6
: Cliente propietario de Oracle, necesario para el funcionamiento del modulo Pythoncx_Oracle
, en la version especifica para el entorno en el que el script correra (i.e.: Windows 10, Linux, etc). Se puede hallar en (https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/instant-client.html). Para configurar el cliente Instant Client, se puede, o bien descomentar la llamada acx_Oracle.init_oracle_client()
(Linea 22 en la presente version), o bien especificar una variable de entorno quecx_Oracle
reconocera al momento de ser importada (Ver Documentacion de Instant Client en la URL antes citada)
Una vez descomprimido, ejecutar:
python -m venv venv # Creacion del Python Virtual Environment
venv\Scripts\activate # Activacion del virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt # Instalacion de dependecias
usage: get_keywords_and_ads_reports_in_parallel.py [-h] -c CUSTOMER_IDS [CUSTOMER_IDS ...]
Download a set of reports in parallel from a list of accounts.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The Google Ads customer IDs.
The login customer ID (optional).
-s START_DATE, --start_date START_DATE
Start date for the queries as YYYY-MM-DD. Defaults to TODAY
-e END_DATE, --end_date END_DATE
End date for the queries as YYYY-MM-DD. Defaults to TODAY
Specifies campaigns.status for the GAQL request. Valid values: ENABLED, PAUSED,
Google Ads requiere credenciales para autenticarse, que se vencen a intervalos de unos 30 dias. En tales circunstancias el script falla al correr, reportando error de autenticacion. Ante tal situacion, se requiere refrescar dichas credenciales ("tokens"), para ello, ejecutar el script bash:
Este script se conectara a los servidores de autenticacion de Google Ads, que proveeran un link, y solicitara un token. Ese link debera accederse desde un browser, desde donde se obtendra tal token. Este debe ser copiado del browser y provisto al script.
De no haber errores en el proceso, los tokens provistos deberan ser reemplazados en google-ads.yaml
. Dichos tokens seran validos por 30 dias (Asumiendo que Google no los revoque por otras razones, e.g.: eventos de seguridad).
Ocasionalmente el propio refresh token puede ser revocado. Ante estas circunstancias, el token en cuestion debe ser renovado (semi)manualmente. A tal efecto existe un script que dispara el flow de autenticacion, semiautorefresh.sh
. La ejecucion de este script proveera una URL y solicitara un codigo. Se debe copiar la URL provista y acceder a ella autenticandose con la cuenta [email protected] (TENER EN MENTE QUE HACE FALTA ACCESO VALIDO A DICHA CUENTA!!!). Continuar en todas las instancias donde se solicite, hasta que el refresh token sea proporcionado. Este token debe ser copiado, y pegado en la terminal que originalmente nos proporciono la URL y quedo a la espera de un codigo.
En ausencia de errores, el script nos proporcionara un Refresh token (e.g.: Refresh token: 1//0dTdceNqWmAgeCgYIARAAGA0SNwF-L9IrTsB6hqemeZeoQQIW4-fLTVQsJXDFdHodfwJ7_ic_-Ujyiph4SR5YhoZ2VhzV6E0OBy4
Obtenido este refresh token, debera ser copiado, y pegado en los archivos client_secrets.json
y google-ads.yaml
, value de las linea cuyas key son refresh_token
- Modificar INSERTciones row-by-row en la database usando
por inserciones en batch usando.executemany()
. - Agregar features que permita consultar la hierarchy de cuentas de Google Ads
- ... -ah : Human readable
- ... -ar : raw como para ser pipeado
: Where inquiries regarding Google Ads API are concentrated.- Queries: This is the example query (lines 46 to 54 as of this writing)
# Define the GAQL query strings to run for each customer ID.
campaign_query = """
SELECT campaign.name, campaign.status, campaign.id, metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks
FROM campaign
WHERE segments.date DURING LAST_7_DAYS"""
ad_group_query = """
SELECT campaign.name, campaign.status, campaign.id, ad_group.id, metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks
FROM ad_group
WHERE segments.date DURING LAST_7_DAYS""" # this is what decides the time period
`DURING` GAQL parameter has the following allowed values:
(From: https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/query/date-ranges )
The list of valid predefined date ranges is as follows:
Date range Reports are generated for...
TODAY Today only.
YESTERDAY Yesterday only.
LAST_7_DAYS The last 7 days not including today.
LAST_BUSINESS_WEEK The 5 day business week, Monday through Friday, of the previous business week.
THIS_MONTH All days in the current month.
LAST_MONTH All days in the previous month.
LAST_14_DAYS The last 14 days not including today.
LAST_30_DAYS The last 30 days not including today.
THIS_WEEK_SUN_TODAY The period between the previous Sunday and the current day.
THIS_WEEK_MON_TODAY The period between the previous Monday and the current day.
LAST_WEEK_SUN_SAT The 7-day period starting with the previous Sunday.
LAST_WEEK_MON_SUN The 7-day period starting with the previous Monday.
Migration from old-style Google AdWords AdWords Query Language (AWQL) to Google Ads Google Ads Query Language (GAQL):
(From: Resource mappings - Keywords Performance
Old Fields - AWQL | New fields - GAQL |
AccountDescriptiveName | customer.descriptive_name |
Date | segments.date |
Device | segments.device |
CampaignName | campaign.name |
Criteria | ad_group_criterion.keyword.text |
AdGroupName | ad_group.name |
Status | ad_group_criterion.status |
KeywordMatchType | ad_group_criterion.keyword.match_type |
CpcBid | ad_group_criterion.effective_cpc_bid_micros |
Clicks | metrics.clicks |
Impressions | metrics.impressions |
AverageCpc | metrics.average_cpc |
Ctr | metrics.ctr |
Cost | metrics.cost_micros |
QualityScore | ad_group_criterion.quality_info.quality_score |
REQUIRES Select label.name from the resource ad_group_label |
SearchImpressionShare | metrics.search_impression_share |
SearchRankLostImpressionShare | metrics.search_rank_lost_impression_share |
SearchExactMatchImpressionShare | metrics.search_exact_match_impression_share |
Conversions | metrics.conversions |
AllConversions | metrics.all_conversions |
CrossDeviceConversions | metrics.cross_device_conversions |
ConversionValue | metrics.conversions_value |
AllConversionValue | metrics.all_conversions_value |
VideoQuartile100Rate | metrics.video_quartile_p100_rate |
VideoQuartile75Rate | metrics.video_quartile_p75_rate |
VideoQuartile50Rate | metrics.video_quartile_p50_rate |
AveragePageviews | metrics.average_page_views |
VideoViews | metrics.video_views |
Old Fields - AWQL | New fields - GAQL |
AccountDescriptiveName | customer.descriptive_name |
Date | segments.date |
Device | segments.device |
CampaignName | campaign.name |
AdGroupName | ad_group.name |
Id | ad_group_ad.ad.id |
AdType | ad_group_ad.ad.type |
Headline | ad_group_ad.ad.text_ad.headline |
ImageCreativeName | ad_group_ad.ad.image_ad.name |
Clicks | metrics.clicks |
Impressions | metrics.impressions |
Ctr | metrics.ctr |
AverageCpc | metrics.average_cpc |
AverageCpm | metrics.average_cpm |
Cost | metrics.cost_micros |
CreativeFinalUrls | ad_group_ad.ad.final_urls |
ExternalCustomerId | customer.id |
Status | ad_group_ad.status |
Conversions | metrics.conversions |
AllConversionValue | metrics.all_conversions_value |
CrossDeviceConversions | metrics.cross_device_conversions |
AllConversions | metrics.all_conversions |
ConversionValue | metrics.conversions_value |
VideoQuartile100Rate | metrics.video_quartile_p100_rate |
VideoQuartile75Rate | metrics.video_quartile_p75_rate |
VideoQuartile50Rate | metrics.video_quartile_p50_rate |
VideoViews | metrics.video_views |